"If Neymar had remained , the Barça would have won two or three Champions more"
Published:27/04/2021 - 17:45h
Updated:27/04/2021 - 21:22h
The technician of the Manchester City, Pep Guardiola, did not hide his admiration by Neymar Jr, a player that wants to write his history in Paris Saint-Germain
Paris Saint-Germain does not depend exclusively of Neymar Jr, but results impossible not speaking on the Brazilian to the doors of the semifinals of Champions League. An excelso talent to the service of a club that wants to separate his square in Istanbul. "If it had remained , the Barça would have won two or three Champions more. It was, beside Messi and Suárez, of the best attacks that saw never", declared Pep Guardiola that to the time does not want that his team betray in Paris. They can win or lose the party, but will not have to fail to himself same.
"If it had remained , the Barça would have won two or three Champions more"
Size of giant has the commitment that will contest the ones of Guardiola in front of the Frenchmen: "Cruyff said us in the 92 that went out and enjoyed. I do not go to say this to my footballers but have to saborear this moment. The trip, the dinner of tonight and morning. Be between the four better teams of the continent is a luck", exposed Pep, that sees to his group giving the steps in the correct direction in Europe: "Still we are not in the elite but are in way. Few times have been happier that in this occasion", recognised.
Break the barrier of the quarter-finals costs of big way. Now, they are near of a polish and now seems that the team has removed a big load of on: "For others is normal to play some semifinals. For us it is extraordinary", aimed. Therefore, it knows well that goes to have to suffer. That his City, that is accustomed to not possessing the ball, can not pretend sortear the fierce contragolpes of a rival that looms every time that Neymar invents and Mbppé runs to the space.
A lethal formula that served him to Pochettino to leave was at all less than to the champion. "Always I have thought that there is not defensive strategy to detain the talent of these big stars although have resources to try minimise to the PSG", aseveró Guardiola that remembers the first time that saw to Neymar. It was in the Saints, already does a decade: "it Is a pleasure see him play. Load with the 10 of Brazil is not easy. It leaves boquiabierto to any one. I admire him", it added.
Faithful to his ideas
Conmovedoras Words those that profirió before a decisive meeting in which it insisted that further of some names and of some elected, wants that the City was faithful to the ideas that have carried him until Paris: "Have the ball so much while as we can. Not thinking in the eliminatory but only in the crash of morning. In winning this party and at all more", sentenced the strategist, that is ilusionado with giving the first step to a final by which sighs in the city of Manchester since it arrived the sheik of Abu Dabi.