Neymar Father in Instagram


Important message of the father of Neymar before the party

Published:27/07/2017 - 05:29h

Updated:27/07/2017 - 05:39h

Interesting publication the one who has produced this Wednesday before the meeting between the Barça and the Manchester United. The father of Neymar has hanged in Instagram an image of his son with his data in the Barcelona club and has commanded him spirits

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Justo before the second party of pre-season that measured to the FC Barcelona and to the Manchester United, and that has finished with Barcelona triumph by 1-0 with goal of Neymar, the father of the crack Brazilian has broken his silence in Instagram to command a message of support to his son... And also to the Barça.

In a publication very escueta but easy to understand, the father of Neymar has wanted to wish luck to his son,and also to the Barcelona club. And it is clear that badly has not gone him to Neymar receive this support. The big question is: what wants to say this message?

In the last days there was not any publication of the father of Neymar related with the Barça, but this time yes has wanted to show publicly his 'fans' by the Barcelona club. A signal that perhaps yes finishes finally his son and represented?

The Friday can speak Neymar

As it has aimed this Wednesday the newspaper "Sport" in his web page, Neymar will attend to a multitudinous act of his sportive mark in Miami and could do his first statements. The expectancy is maximum and the footballer knows to use this type of events to promote his name.