The FC Barcelona has to begin to adapt several conditions from already, to set up of the most optimum way possible the new sportive project of the German technical director Hansi Flick. One of these points, of vital importance, by the way, because of the type of game that likes him stage to the native of Heidelberg, is the physical section, in which the Barcelona cast clearly remained to owe in the campaign 2023/24.

In fact, as it informed in 'Relief', the one of Baden-Wurtemberg, after having analysed to the staff culé, would have detected a remarkable deficit in the physical preparation. In front of this, one of his main aims is to carry the physicist of the Barcelona players to the following level. To his time, the source mentioned sustains that the technician germano will trust this work to the bets made by the club does some months, that included the contracting of Raúl Martínez like coordinator of the fisioterapeutas and masajistas, and of Julio Tous like specialist in works of strength and prevention of injuries.

The Barça suffered a lot of problems to physical level this campaign 2023/24

It is necessary to signal that this approach of Hansi Flick does not seem to be of the all descabellado, since in the season happened the Barcelonan picture had physical problems with no less than 21 players, leaving only to Iñaki Crag, İlkay Gündoğan and Fermín López like the only active of the first team that did not suffer any type of injury. This point could diminish with a more optimum work in the physical appearance, something that the club already had identified previously.

Besides that, the merma in the physical state of the FC Barcelona also was evident in the development of the meetings, since the combined Catalan showed a rhythm of game very good in the first compasses of the 'crashes', but arriving to the 'sunset' of the same showed physically extenuado. Like result, the rivals took advantage of to hurt in the stretch culminante of the duels, what reflected in several adverse results, ties and defeats, that defined from the minute 75, with a Barcelona cast physically rebasado.