Memphis Depay, player of the Lyon


In France give by safe the exit of Depay of the Olympique of Lyon

Published:17/05/2021 - 23:00h

Updated:17/05/2021 - 23:00h

The half more conclusive has been the French newspaper L'Instrument, which affirmed that "Depay will be player of the Barça the season that comes". According to the newspaper, the Barcelona club and the current attacker of the Olympique of Lyon already would have reached an agreement and detailed that this would sign like free agent at all more finalise the present season. Only they would be missing some details so that it close the operation

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The forward and captain of the Olympique Lyon Memphis Depay aims to be one of the reinforcements for the next season like free agent of the FC Barcelona, of agreement to the French press, which sees it already more was that inside Tie it 1, where has sealed one more than good season to personal level that does it be to the height to get dressed of Barcelona. Besides, a message of the own player in his social networks finished of despapar the pot on his future.

The half more conclusive has been the French newspaper L'Instrument, which affirmed that "Depay will be player of the Barça the season that comes". According to the newspaper, the Barcelona club and the current attacker of the Olympique of Lyon already would have reached an agreement and detailed that this would sign like free agent at all more finalise the present season. Only they would be missing some details so that it close the operation, although they do not have desvelado years neither quantities, only that the ariete would reduce the wage to dress of Barcelona and play beside Leo Messi.

To this information, added another revealed recently by the Spanish newspaper Sportive World. In the same ensured that the player, of 27 years of age, was in the City Condal looking for house in the zone of Pedralbes to advance formalities in case of fichar by the Barça, since to finals of month has to join already to the selection of the Low Countries to prepare the Eurocopa. Now, the own forward has manifested by his social networks and especula that it is a species of farewell of Tie it 1.

"It is the moment to take the control on mu career. I have arrived to a point in which I need to take important decisions on my future, have decided to negotiate my future pacts, beside my team of people of confidence, arropados by legal experts. I will decide my destination I same. You will be the first in knowing it", prays the message Depay in the social networks.

A signing worked

It costs to remember, that the Dutch attacker was tanteado in the two last markets, but finally there was not economic agreement with the FC Barcelona. Now it would arrive with the letter of freedom. In this great season 22 goals and 10 assistances in 38 parties with the Lyon, group that occupies at present the fourth box of Tie it 1. His hypothetical signing by the Barça would serve to fulfil an old longing of Koeman, the one who already had it under his orders in the selection of the Low Countries.