It goes out to the light the burofax that sent Messi to the Barça does an añ


It goes out to the light the burofax that sent Messi to the Barça does a year

Published:5/09/2021 - 13:29h

Updated:5/09/2021 - 18:21h

"By means of the present, and of compliance with the foreseen in the clause 3.1. Of the agreement of 25 November 2017, manifest them my will to extinguish my agreement of work of professional footballer with date of effect 30 August 2020", expressed the footballer in the headed of the document, revealed by the daily Sportive World; that without doubts, went the news that shook to the world of the football in this summer. The historical player of the picture culé, his maximum goleador, wanted to go and was and

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Afterwards of culminated the season 2019-2020, with the elimination of the FC Barcelona of the edition of this year of the UEFA Champions League by a 2-8 fit by the Bayern Munich, the Argentinian star Leo Messi commanded a burofax to the ex-president of the Barça, Josep Maria Bartomeu, expressing him his wish to leave of the club, esgrimiendo clause caducada on 10 June, but that he believed valid by the impact of the pandemia of the COVID-19. However, the mandamás of the Barcelona entity denied to approve his exit when already less than a year for the vencimiento of his agreement

"By means of the present, and of compliance with the foreseen in the clause 3.1. Of the agreement of 25 November 2017, manifest them my will to extinguish my agreement of work of professional footballer with date of effect 30 August 2020", expressed the footballer in the headed of the document, revealed by the daily Sportive World; that without doubts, went the news that shook to the world of the football in this summer. The historical player of the picture culé, his maximum goleador, wanted to go and was seriously.

In concrete, the quoted clause 3.1., of the last agreement of Messi, is that that said that his length was of 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2021, but limited that the player could go free, without alleging just cause, at the end of the season 2019-20 "previous communication to the club made before 10 June 2020, without any right for the FC Barcelona".

This last, did not occur, since the footballer understood that because of the stop by the pandemia first had to finish the season or at least this alleged 'The Flea'. It is thus, that, after finish the season in Champions, last competition in which the culés opted to the title, went that it would have decided to communicate to the FC Barcelona his decision to test other airs out of the Camp Nou.

"I understand that the temporary frame of the right of unilateral termination without alleging cause that regulates the mentioned clause has to interpret of compliance with the exceptional circumstances in which it has developed the season of competition futbolística 2019-2020, because of the State of Alarm and to the situation of greater strength derived of the pandemia COVID-19", argued Messi in his misiva legal, which is necessary to start with the process of desvinculación of the club.

"In any case, inside the 10 following days to the ending of the season of competition, and fulfilling like this the agreed term to exercise the clause 3.1., of compliance with the material content of our agreement, that has to interpret according to the exceptional circumstances of the season 2019-2020, exercise my right to finish the agreement with date of effect 30 August 2020, with the planned consequences in the quoted stipulation 3.1. Attentively, Lionel Andrés Messi", adds .

Bartomeu cost of the times

Leo asked to go, but on 24 August, already ultrapasado the two months and half the deadline of 10 June to report his agreement and go free. That was the detail, that burst in one of the worst institutional crises that has crossed the Barça in the last times. The player, as it could result logical, felt betrayed, but on the other hand the club was in his right to try not leaving free to Messi, taking in account besides the economic disaster that still in the actuality does estragos.

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