Joao Félix en la previa del duelo ante el Atlético de Madrid


Joao Félix could not train under Xavi's orders this Monday

Published:4/12/2023 - 17:18h

Updated:4/12/2023 - 17:29h

João Félix, the great figure of the match against Atlético de Madrid, could not participate in the recovery training carried out today by FC Barcelona due to health reasons, completely ruling out the possibility that he was dealing with an injury

Calendar of FC Barcelona

JoãOr Félix probably had his best split up to now in the season with the FC Barcelona. The Portuguese, the one who recently broke his drought goleadora of 13 parties without marking with his annotation that gave him the victory to the Barcelona group against the Port wine, confronted to his exequipo, the Athletic of Madrid, and topped a flawless exhibition that cost him the prize of Player More Valuable of the day.

Nevertheless, no all was colour of rose for the native of Viseu, since it had to confront to an Athletic characterised by his defensive game férreo and physicist. In this sense, the players of the picture 'colchonero' did him feel his rigour, committing until seven faults against him, of which at least two were merecedoras of yellow cards.

JoãOr Félix confronts to a feverish process

Thanks to the hard mark of the team of 'Cholo' Simeone, with hits that could have affected his physical state, Joãor Félix had to be substituted by Ferran Torres to the 77'. However, this was not the reason whereby the Portuguese did not assist to the session of recovery that carried out the Barça this morning.

As it informs the journalist Helena Condis, the reason whereby the Portuguese did not participate in the training of the FC Barcelona this Monday was been due to a feverish process that forced him to remain home. This situation could be consequence of a cold that has been confronting from the day of yesterday. The club, taking advantage of that the next party against the Girona is the Sunday 10/12 and that has a week to recover , has decided to give him rest to the luso.

Fortunately, it has descartado any injury in Joãor Félix. The '14' Barcelona attained to go out ileso in spite of the strong labelings that suffered, especially by part of César Azpilicueta, the one who committed more than a fault against him, including a yellow card deserved and another situation in which the sanction perhaps was not in accordance with the hardness exerted by the navarro, the one who went out to presionar to a Joãor indomable and that could not be detained by any physical rigour.

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