Jordi Alba, during a party contested with the FC Barcelona


Jordi Alba answers to the criticisms of a player of the Real

Published:27/01/2017 - 18:47h

Updated:27/01/2017 - 21:02h

The left side of the FC Barcelona, Jordi Alba, did not doubt in answering of conclusive way to the criticisms of a player of the Real Sociedad, Zurutuza, the one who desprestigió to some players of the Barça after the duel of this Thursday in Glass

Calendar of FC Barcelona

One of the midfield players of the Real Sociedad that already smashed into the arbitration in the party of gone of chambers of Glass of the King against the FC Barcelona, Zurutuza, went back to soltar critical just after falling goleado (5-2) in the Camp Nou, although this time did it against some players of the Barça when understanding that they had been "looking for" to the footballers of the Basque group.

"Some players of the Barça have had ugly details"

"Always there is two or three players of the Barça that are looking for us all the while", commented without pelos in the tongue, showing besides "bother by the provocation of some players. Normal that bother you that they give a codazo", said, in allusion to the codazo of Luis Suárez to Yuri in one of the controversial actions of the party in the Camp Nou.

"Some players of the Barça have had ugly details", followed, although it did not dare to say the names. "Well... Already you know it you, no? The ones of always", limited to answer when they asked him in this regard.

Jordi Alba goes out in defence of the FC Barcelona

The question is that, in the last hours, Jordi Alba has gone out to the step of these statements, ensuring that in any moment the players of the FC Barcelona looked for to cause to the ones of the Real Sociedad. "I do not know to what refers , all the world has seen what has happened in the terrain, has not happened at all odd, the behaviour has been normal, do not know to what refers ", has signalled Alba.

"The behaviour of our players has not been bad neither have given patadas to destiempo, from inside have not seen at all rare", has manifested finally. It seems that to Zurutuza has not seated him too much well the elimination in Glass of Rey.

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