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Jordi Farré: "Someone in the dressing room has been happy that there is a vote of censorship"

Published:8/10/2020 - 11:58h

Updated:8/10/2020 - 11:58h

The impulsor of the movement against of the presidency of the current president, Josep Maria Bartomeu, has answered in front of the microphones, after the success of the motion of censorship

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Jordi Farré, impulsor of the motion of censorship against of the president Josep Maria Bartomeu and the Managerial Board that directs, spoke for the microphones of some media, after the success of his feat. During the day of yesterday, the club confirmed that the Table of the Vote of Censorship had validated until 18.090 signatures, surpassing like this, the minimum of 16.521 necessary.

The Catalan employer already has it all thought, and like this showed it in front of the microphones of 'RAC1', explained that "our proposal for the vote of censorship is on 24 October , day of the Classical and if it has to do in two days, as do it also the Sunday 25". Regarding the question, Farré explained that it would bet for "doing the question of the same that did in the last motion: you Are in favour of a vote of censorship against Bartomeu?".

This yes, the statements more salseantes reserved them for 'The Crossbar' of the 'Chain Be', presented by Manu Carreño, where without pelos in the tongue confessed: "I am conscious that somebody has gladdened in the changing room. Without going more far, had the signature of the brother of a player of the first staff of the Barcelona", explained the precandidato to the presidency.

The brecha that separates to the institutional club of the staff of players already was evident from does several months. In fact to anybody surprises him that one of the members of the staff was in favour of the motion of censorship. Over time we have normalised a situation that is really unpleasant and that would see with bad eyes if sucediera in another club.

Josep Maria Bartomeu could resign

The president, in these moments is posing his resignation. No longer they are only the fans and the players - as if it was little - those that demand his farewell of the charge, but the own directors of the Board would be presionando so that it decide to resign. In the next days will know the end of this history, and the only safe, is that it will not be a happy end.