Lamine Yamal controlando un balón en el duelo entre la selección de España e Italia en la Eurocopa 2024


Lamine Yamal 'passed' from Bayern Munich before making his debut with FC Barcelona

Published:22/06/2024 - 14:17h

Updated:22/06/2024 - 14:18h

Lamine Yamal is emerging as one of the most attractive talents in world football. In that sense, Bayern Munich already had intentions of signing him before his 'explosion' in the elite. However, this operation did not materialize because the player stopped it

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Lamine Yamal, to his scarce 16 years of age, already is showing that it possesses some truly special conditions to keep in the elite during a lot of years and, why no, turn into a player that mark period. The one of Rocafonda had a season of debut quite interesting with the FC Barcelona, accumulating seven annotations and 11 assistances in 52 commitments, performances that, by the way, also catapulted him to turn into an important element of the selection of Spain, that at present is contesting in the Eurocopa.

Nevertheless, although the talent of Lamine Yamal is more visible at present because of his clear 'explosion' in the elite, the Hispanic-Moroccan already captivated to more than a club from his times in The Masia, generating interest of several teams that tried, without success, do of his services in the past. In fact, recently it has revealed the name of a club of first level that evaluated the option to purchase to the '27' culé, but found with the refusal of a player whose aim from that period was to dress and triumph with the elastic Barcelona.

Lamine Yamal already interested to the Bayern Munich before debuting with the FC Barcelona

In accordance with the information spread by the journalist Kerry Hau in 'Sky Germany', the Bayern Munich tried fichar to Lamine Yamal when hardly it had 14 years, even arrived to value it like an aim 'top' of market. Likewise, the source mentioned sustains that this interest had the backrest of Hasan Salihamidžić (Sportive Director) and Marco Neppe (Director of Scouting), those who saw in him a prospectus with potential to win the Balloon of Gold.

However, this operation did not concretise although the combined Bavarian, as it exposes in the referred half German, had the opportunity to establish contacts with the agent of Lamine in that moment, the exfutbolista Iván of the Crag. All this was due to that Yamal apparently did not find the necessary reasons to abandon the FC Barcelona.

This bet, on the other hand, has been very positive so much for him as for his surroundings, since in the club culé no only received a sportive training of first level, but it also offered him very soon the opportunity to see action in First Division. He 'exploded' to the maximum these possibilities and now, in spite of his youth, considers him a future world-wide star. Surely, these same options could have arrived in another team, but who know if with the same rapidity that arrived him in this 'Baby Barça'.


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