Laporta And Koeman will gather to design the future of the Barça
Published:19/03/2021 - 22:43h
Updated:19/03/2021 - 22:43h
The next week will initiate the meetings to build a sportive project solid and with the clear option to conquer all the competitions
They approximate the decisive weeks for the FC Barcelona. The new president of the club, Joan Laporta, already has taken possession of the charge and will initiate his against clock to pipe the near future of the institution. One of the first meetings that has agendado is with the Dutch technician Ronald Koeman, to begin to analyse and schedule what will face. The Barcelona picture has a bit of disadvantage in the times by the stop of the elections, but from the club already has done a stood out work and Laporta and his board already are to the day of the opportunities. The analysis will be essential to boost the second revolution that needs the staff, so much to economic level like sportive.
Laporta Trusts Koeman
Ronald Koeman and Laporta already knew and had his first contact in the installations of the Barça and during the trip to Paris for the duel in front of Paris Saint-Germain. But it is clear that both have to pose of deep way each detail with regard to the group. The strategist already has a report consensuado with the current sportive direction in which it details the positions to reinforce and a possible list of drops to reduce the mass salarial and try generate extra money to the struck economy culé.
It is important to highlight that the new president will not take any firm decision until they have audited all the accounts and have formed the new sportive structure of football. For the first case, Laporta wants to analyse each agreement, as well as the still pending payments of the a lot of signings made in the last seasons. Likewise, it wants to corroborate at first hand the state of account of the club, that can mediatizar clearly the sportive project in the short term. Laporta And his managerial board already know that they have to lidiar with the black hole that there is in the box to be able to reinforce to the team.
Koeman Already had spoken with the candidates to request the signing of a central in the month of January, by what Laporta already knows of his ideas. The most stood out between what both share is that so much president like technician know that there is a good base on which work. The Barça has armed with a team that ilusiona to all by the irruption of young players talentosos. Although, it is evident that the team needs one or two head offices and a leading centre of first level. This will depend on the economic availability of the club. The aim is Erling Haaland, but knows that they will need to sell a lot to have option to offer him.
Koeman Remains
The idea of Laporta and his team of work is to keep to Koeman in the bench of face to the next campaign, and analyse his situation depending of the performance of the team during the coming course. The step at the front in front of the Seville and in Paris invites to the optimism, but have clear that the Barça needs to give a conclusive hit in the market for ilusionar. Already it starts the work of an extensive planning with Koeman and Laporta comandando to the Barcelona.