As well as in his moment the president of the FC Barcelona, Joan Laporta, left clear that would undertake legal actions against of those who pretended to mark the image of the institution, the jerarca Barcelona will undertake legal actions against the journalist of 'ABC', Salvador Sostres, after this last published an article that would contain a series of slanders and insults against his person.

The text in question, published in his blog 'Them Nines', that carries by title "Jan to the Bernabéu", Sostres issues hard cuestionamientos to the president of the Catalan entity, doing emphasis mainly in his state anímico and even signalling what considers like problems of health and the behaviour that this had during his last visit to the stadium of the Real Madrid for the party of gone of the 'semis' coperas.

It does not treat of the first time in which Sostres esgrime cuestionamientos of this type to Laporta. In accordance with the information of the newspaper 'Sport', the near surroundings of the club has desvelado that this last publication there would be rayado in the intolerable, by what the president has showed entirely decided to carry the subject to judicial instances in front of these acts.

Other attacks to Laporta

It expects that this querella was interposed in the next hours and the newspaper signals that there will be any type of possible conciliation. But the criticisms of Sostres do not limit to the occurred during the presence of Laporta in the Bernabéu, but also to some movements by part of the Barcelona, signalling presumptive irregularities in the operation for fichar to Robert Lewandowski, related with the commissions.

Of equal way, has referred to the occurred with the Turkish company Limak and the adjudications of the works in the Spotify Camp Nou. Already in previous publications, Sostres had issued some cuestionamientos on the transfer of the Barça to Montjuïc during the works in the feudo Barcelona. All these facts carried to the president to undertake legal actions in front of what considers like slanders.