Of agreement to an email that has spread between the staff of employees of the club, the directive of the Barcelona has announced to his workers the creation of "a new position that will allow us ensure that the Barcelona is a club where works by the inclusion and the cultural diversity, functional, generacional and of gender inside our community".
It is by this, that, from the next 7 June will incorporate to the staff of the club Maite Laporta (sister of the president), that will be the "manager of Inclusion and Diversity" and that will report him directly to Xavier But, 'Chief Compliance Officer' and delegate of Data protection of the combined Barcelona.
From his position, the sister of the managerial maximum of the square blaugrana will look after the fulfillment of the rules that cover fear them referents to the inclusion and diversity and "will contribute value to the FC Barcelona", according to the quoted mail sent to the employees of the club.
Maite Laporta is graduate in Integral Communication and Marketing egresado of the Univesitat Abat Oliba and has cursado a postgraduate in Publishing Processes in the UOC. Also it has another speciality of upper training oriented to the Digital Marketing and the E-commerce.
The decree of the Generalitat
Near sources to the directive of the Barcelona, ensured to Sportive World that the incorporation of the sister of the president does not break the ethical code of the club. The reason is that the same board has changed recently the ethical code to adapt it to the decree of directors of the Generalitat, that establishes that it can not hire to ascending "and downward relatives of directors", that is to say, that can not fichar to parents or children, but does not establish any restriction with regard to the contracting or signing of brothers or cousins.
According to the previous ethical code, and that it was approved in 2010 by the board that directed Sandro Rosell, could not fichar to any familiar of director that could have until a fourth degree of consanguineidad. The modification of the ethical code made it the current board of the Barça to finals of May, but no dió any information in this regard. However, the current 'Compliance Officer' endorsed the contracting of the sister of the president.
Another dismissal stood out
On the other hand, yesterday it informed also of the cessation in his functions of the attendant of the area of Technology Robert Bed. The salient director, is the computer, ex technical director of Mediapro, this was accused by Jaume Roures to having embezzled emails of Mediapro to facilitate them to Sandro Rosell.