Joan Laporta Xavi2


Laporta, very determined in the idea of continuing to see Xavi as coach of Barça

Published:8/09/2023 - 00:29h

Updated:8/09/2023 - 00:29h

Joan Laporta tried to bet by Ronald Koeman when it arrived to the FC Barcelona again in 2021, but to the few months the president culé understood that it was necessary to do a change and bet finally by Xavi, a name by what follows believing

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Joan Laporta has been one of the protagonists of the series 'A new was' of Prevail Video on the past season of the FC Barcelona. In fact, in the last chapter of the second season holds a conversation with Xavi Hernández where share confidences and make an assessment of the course, as well as the aims of face to the present season.

The leader blaugrana begins recalcando that "has been a historical League", remembering first of all of "where came", to what the trainer answers afirmativamente, adding "to economic level, to social level, to sportive level… the diagnostic was very fucked", mentioned. However, it has not doubted in backing the continuity of the egarense when underlining that "we are in front of a new was, the era of Xavi", declared the president culé.

Xavi has all the support of Laporta

"We are some privileged to be able to live this new was, will be esplendorosa and one of the best of the history of the Barça", finishes Laporta in this moment of the conversation, showing totally convinced. By his part, Xavi also shows extremely satisfied, although something more comedido and perceives in his words and gestures the bad that had happened during the season.

"I have enjoyed a lot, but also I have suffered a lot of. We have to play better, but is question of time and patience", recalcó the one of Terrassa. "We can play worse or better, but the values of effort, sacrifice, to go all to one, to do block… in this have not failed", continue analysing to the Catalan technician. In spite of this Laporta went back to have an answer of confidence when signalling him that "are assembling this team and finish it to build", resolved.

The Barça will follow having Xavi in the bench

The conversation has earned more felt still afterwards that this week informed from diverse half that the renewal of Xavi is more than pactada and closed until 2026 and only remains to define the more than next date of the announcement. This situation does not do more than confirming that the confidence of the president Laporta in the egarense is maximum and will follow, at least, to the end of his current mandate in little less than three years more.

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