Laporta Would bring another important source of income for the Barça
Published:20/02/2021 - 14:41h
Updated:20/02/2021 - 14:41h
Laporta Has promised to add other 20 anunciantes with the end to duplicate the income of the Barça in this section. The club would happen of 25 to 45 sponsors, with what would surpass to other economically strong clubs like the Manchester City, the Juventus or the Manchester United
In few weeks, the FC Barcelona will celebrate his presidential elections and the applicants to the charge begin to reinforce his speeches with promises to go out of the institutional crisis that crosses the club in the actuality. In this occasion, Joan Laporta has added another sustanciosa proposed to his candidature.
To put end to the economic problems of the club, a total of 20 sponsors would be presents in the diary of the candidate and Barcelona ex-president. With this, Laporta looks for to ensure an important flow of income to the arks of the Barça by means of the agreement with distinct willing marks to invest in the Catalan entity.
In such sense, there will be also a political equitativa between the sponsors, that will be divided by categories according to the montos credited: main partners, premium partners, global partners and regional partners. With the new auspiciantes, the FC Barcelona would happen of 29 to 49 sponsors and would surpass to other clubs like the Manchester City, that has 43, the Juventus (38) and the Manchester United (35).
The income by sponsorship could reach the 300 million euros
From Estimem the Barça, signal that a total of 59 sectors can receive sponsorship, but at present only 25 have any. In this way, Laporta no only arrives with proposals sustanciosas in the sportive, but also in the financial. Nevertheless, first it will have to obtain the majority of the votes.
If all are covered, the FC Barcelona will see increased his income of form very significant. To day of today, estimates that the club will perceive 150 million euros after the agreed reductions with Rakuten and Beko. The promise of Laporta consists in duplicating this quantity exploding to the maximum the possibilities to obtain sponsors.