The imminent signing of Nico Williams by the FC Barcelona follows having voices authorised of the surroundings culé that endorse the operation. The last in referring to the potential of the forward of the Athletic Club was Hristo Stoichkov, the one who shined in the decade of the 90 with the Barcelona group. For the one of Plovdiv, the directive does not have to doubt to the moment to pay the clause of rescission of the of Pamplona.

"It is necessary to buy it already. Already I commented you that I recommended him to the people of Barcelona that bought it. It did not buy and now yes they want it", it began saying the ex Bulgarian forward. In this sense, added: "That they do not doubt Laporta and Deco that is a player for the Barça. No only it can you play of extreme, also by the another band, leading centre or false '9'. Can mark you a big difference in the Barça", argued in a talk with 'SPORT'.

Stoichkov Leaves clear his posture on the debate Lamine/Messi

On the other hand, Hristo took advantage of for elogiar to Lamine Yamal after his brilliant first Eurocopa with Spain. The Bulgarian stood out how, in spite of his age, is disciplined and sacrifices by the team during all the party. "It drags two or three defenders with him, leaves spaces… Is a leading centre of which no longer exist… Works hard, sacrifices a lot of and for real do not understand as they criticised it so much".

Besides, it took advantage of for 'wet' on the comparison between the juvenile Catalan and Leo Messi, leaving clear that there is not need to compare them, by more similarities that can establish between his characteristics and records. "Each one is as it is and ojalá that Lamine follow with this rhythm of sacrifice, of quality, that go working. Therefore it is marking the goals with Barcelona, with Spain, is a boy that have to protect it, not to put it very up, that afterwards is very easy to fall", puntualizó Stoichkov.