Leo Messi, Neymar, Suárez... Estevao Willian's Barça idols
Estevao Willian, 'Messinho', has made it clear that his list of football idols is made up of players who were in the ranks of FC Barcelona, a team where he dreams of playing at some point.
Palmeiras Is, constantly, developing 'perlas' that call the attention in Europe and Estevao Willian Almeida of Oliveira Gonçalves, to the one who in Brazil nickname as 'Messinho' by his similarities with Lionel Messi, can be the last successful case. In spite of his 16 years, is an attacker that already is giving a lot of what speak and that will cause a war between 'big' of the old continent.
The true is that the footballer has aimed that it always has had like dream play in the FC Barcelona, a factor 'logical' seeing the list of idols that has: Lionel Messi, Neymar Jr or Luis Suárez. All have gone through the Camp Nou and have turned into references for Estevao. In a recent interview to 'Sportive World' confessed that his greater dream is "to play in the Barcelona, that is one of the best clubs of the world. I was born seeing play to Neymar, Messi and Suárez in the Barcelona and that is the dream that have".
Estevao, enamoured of the football of Messi
Lionel Messi is his maximum reference and constantly is fixing in him to improve his skills like footballer: "I fix Me a lot in Messi, that is a player to the that admire a lot. I see his videos and attempt reproduce what does in the field and sometimes works", said Estevao, to the that likes him do of everything to help to his team: "it likes Me help, give assistances, driblar, mark goals, anything while it serve to help to my team to win".
Insisting in his admiration by 'The Flea', has aimed that it always has been his referent: "it Is a player in which I inspire me, see videos of him daily. It is a teacher. I do not have words to describe it. All what does is phenomenal. How explain with words that all what does is phenomenal, always try to reproduce to him in the field".
Neymar, another reference for Estevao
His intention is to follow his steps: "I will say that it is difficult but no impossible, but maybe follow his steps. All what has attained is difficult, but God willing, some day will attain it", whereas it also has ensured that fixed in his compatriot Neymar Jr: "it likes Me a lot of Neymar, that also is Brazilian and one of the best of the world. I see also videos of him".