Messi celebrating a goal


Lionel Messi and the Camp Nou, cumplidores of dreams

Published:4/05/2021 - 20:42h

Updated:4/05/2021 - 20:52h

Lionel Messi posed for a photo with a fanatical Uruguayan without knowing that it would finish marking his life for ever and serving like example of motivation

Calendar of FC Barcelona

10 one thousand kilometres and a world-wide pandemia separated to Thiago Cambeiro of his big dream, the one to be in Barcelona to be able to know to Lionel Messi, the "maximum exponent" of the football as it relates the own Uruguayan. A decision, a motivational speech and a lot of courage gave him to the charrúa the reward expected.

It renounced to a stable work and moved until the Catalan city so that the past 30 April, to the 8:51, a street of the city gave him the opportunity to steal 30 seconds to one of the most influential men of all the planet, ask him a photo and can inmortalizar that magic moment.

"I love the football and master to his maximum exponent along all these years. The smile behind the tapabocas delata my immense and inigualable happiness. Thank you @leomessi For doing me so happy.
And never they forget ... Dream and that it was in big always!" They were the words with which described that instant that will not forget never.

One of the photos more rioplatenses that will be able to see this 2021 remained for ever in the profile of Thiago, with a smile ilusionada and a phenomenon taking matt to his side, leaving in clear that whenever there are possibilities, the vicinities of the Camp Nou will serve of platform for things in inimaginables, such as sucede in the field.

"It is very difficult to put in words all what felt in these 30 seconds, even, is complicated to describe as I seat me now. The heart late fast like few times, the hands shiver and seems impossible to keep the calm when to your side is the owner of thousands of emotions along the whole planet", described Thiago in relation to his experience.

Messi, humility inside and out of the field

The shy personality of Messi compensates with his vicinity and capacity to be for his fanatical whenever it was possible, something that the own Thiago recalcó in the same publication. "I noticed a simpleza striking and a humility inexplicable in somebody that by moments seems inalcanzable. In this thought when 1 month ago I decided to renounce to a stable work in a moment of world-wide crisis, in which I came me to 10 one thousand kilometres of my house, I only, with my rucksack and a valija small loaded of expectation, where the logical said me that it was crazy, but the heart had the reason and shows me once again that in occasions it is necessary to risk everything to be able to arrive to an aim that in this case was practically impossible".