The trainer of the FC Barcelona, Luis Enrique, has kept an interview in which it has spoken of the current situation that crosses Xavi Hernández, ready to leave the club after having happened all a life like Barcelona player. "I struggle" it has put in his skin

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Saturday 6 June 2015 (Olympic Stadium of Berlin)

In an interview conceded to the web page of the UEFA, Luis Enrique has been asked after the situation of Xavi Hernández, that will play with the final of the Champions League against the Juventus of Turín his last party like player of the FC Barcelona, and has compared the situation of the of Terrassa with which lived he same ten years ago, in the first season of Frank Rijkaard.

"Xavi Hernández... It was about to to leave the past summer but fortunately has remained . Now, with Xavi, is the same that sucedió with me and with Frank Rijkaard ten years ago. No longer it was the leader in the field although you still were able to sort out. My last year here was the first of Rijkaard and his technical body. It is complicated for a player when suddenly?".

"Always you play, you are one of the leaders and suddenly leave to play. It is hard. But then you see that you can do another work". In general lines, Luis Enrique is happy of how has managed the minutes of Xavi Hernández along the season.

"At the end I am happy to have it done because I seat me proud for having it fact and for having achieved what have achieved this season. The ideal in a team is to have players inside the field that help to which come of out, players that encourage and give councils in important moments. But it is not an easy paper, is complicated".

The Barça wants to achieve the triplete

It spoke it does some days, in press conference, on the possibility to conquer this season the triplete. "We have it here, it would be the second time that can achieve it the club, one like east with so many years of history to so high level. We have been upper to the Athletic, the Athletic has had the misfortune to find to a big Barça, now is necessary to surpass to the Juventus. But I do not measure the happiness by the titles, likes me this team from the start of the season, even when the things did not go out well. It is beautiful to do happy to the people and go to try make history".