Luis Enrique celebrates the victory in the Champions League 2015


Luis Enrique explains his curious talk before the Champions League final in 2015

Published:5/06/2020 - 22:05h

Updated:5/06/2020 - 22:05h

Luis Enrique revealed in an interview what he said to the players before the final of the 2015 Champions League. The azulgrana ended up conquering it and taking the treble and the Asturian contributed from the bench

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Luis Enrique Martínez happened to the history in 2015 when turning into the second trainer of the history of the FC Barcelona in conquering a triplete. After the that attained Pep Guardiola in 2009, something that until this alone year had done four teams along the history, anybody thought that the culés could win another so little time afterwards. But the Asturian and his already mythical 'MSN' showed the contrary when doing with LaLiga, the Champions League and the Glass of Rey.

The now seleccionador of Spain has remembered precisely one of these three trophies, the one of the League of Champions. The Barcelona won in the final to the Juventus of Turín by 1-3 with so many of Ivan Rakitic, Luis Suárez and Neymar Jr. But this final was quite more complicated of what says the result and the Catalans had to sweat and work a lot to be able to heave this 'Orejona'.

The trainer of Gijón has spoken on the previous moments to face this partidazo against the bianconero. 'Barça TV' has interviewed to the ex barcelonista by videoconference and the Asturian has referred to the talk that gave in the hotel before displacing to the stadium. "The talks that I do in the hotel are tactical, but yes looked for this day something motivational that could help them or that I thought that to me would help me like player", began.

Luis Enrique decided to throw of this so special humour that characterises him in a speech that hardly lasted some minutes and that began with a very curious question. "I did them a species jokingly or chascarrillo. I asked them when finish it: what is the worst that think that it can occur you in the final?", it explained. It seems that the most veteran took it to him seriously and centred in the football. "Xavi and Alves, the veterans in general, answered with things of football. 'Not being faithful to our style', what I, things like this...", desveló.

When the footballers left to speak and went his turn, the seleccionador Spanish tried to remove him pressure and raise the morals of his team to his way. Then I said them. "The worst that can happen you tomorrow is to be player of the Juventus and have to confront to the Barça. It imagines what is to mark to Suárez, to Ney, to Messi, to Iniesta, to Busquets... It imagines to have to mark a goal to Marc, have to finish in front of Hammered or Mascherano, defend the rises of Alves...", it aimed.

Luis Enrique looked for destensar the environment

The aim of the ex player and ex technician of the Barça was to throw of humour to relax the previous environment to a final in which the Barcelona were favourite. "It was a simile a bit jokingly. Imagine that it is the talk of the Juventus and speak you of the Barça. You would be crapped. At least some smiles woke up them and afterwards his quality did the difference", finalised. The words of the safe Asturian that they were of help for a changing room that went back to make history showing that for real they were the best.