Luis Enrique will take a sabbatical year if it does not be still in the Barça
Published:27/12/2016 - 11:50h
Updated:27/12/2016 - 12:12h
The trainer of the FC Barcelona, Luis Enrique, already warned during the last interview that conceded that, in the case of not training to the Barça the next season, would not head to any another club. It would take a sabbatical year, like Guardiola
The FC Barcelona does not have to concern by the possibility that Luis Enrique have some important offer that do him repensarse his stay in the Barça like trainer. The club knows that the shots do not go by here, and that if "I Struggle" took the decision of not directing to the Barcelona group the next season would not be to leave to another team, but rather by the wear that causes to be technical of the FC Barcelona.
In fact, the Asturian is following the same steps that Pep Guardiola during the four seasons that trained the one of Santpedor to the Barcelona group. It signed an agreement by two seasons at the beginning and, from here, has taken the decision to renew year to year.
Besides, already it left to glimpse during the interview conceded recently to "Barça TV" that will take a sabbatical year in the case of not renewing with the FC Barcelona, as it did the one of Santpedor before signing by the Bayern Munich.
Luis Enrique, the owner of his future
Luis Enrique wants to be the owner of his future, and therefore it does not tie with the FC Barcelona to sign agreements of extensive links. This yes, knows that in any another team will be better that in the Barça, where has in addition to the security to have to varied of the best players of the planet.
That firm the renewal is something more than likely this campaign 2016-17 of face to the following, but will keep on being a mystery what occur with the future of the Asturian technician. Besides, will have vital importance that the team follow winning with him in the bench. When it leave to do it, is possible that Luis Enrique decide to do the cases and leave step to a new change in the club.