Maxi López on Messi: "When a cycle finishes, it's over"
Published:7/11/2020 - 16:53h
Updated:7/11/2020 - 17:02h
Maxi López has starred an interview in the program 'Tot Coast' of Catalunya Radio in which he spoke on the actuality and future of Leo Messi
Since Lionel Messi sent a burofax to the offices of Can Barça expressing that it wanted to leave of the club, at all went back to be equal. Although the Argentinian, characterised by his professionalism, has expressed that is totally engaged with his team, while it dress the T-shirt, there is a species of split between the club and the jugaor that, probably, was the reason by which has not finished of despegar in this season.
The ex player of the FC Barcelona, Maxi López, knows very well to Lionel Messi, after his go through the selection and the Barça, to where arrived from River Plate in 2005 and, although it did not achieve to shine with the T-shirt blaugrana, created a good relation with his compatriot. In front of the rumours that continue situating to the Argentinian star out of the club of his life, the footballer of 36 years expressed that when it finish a cycle, no longer there is gone back backwards.
In an interview to the program 'Tot Coast' of Catalonia Irradiate, the forward that at present is a member of the Sambenedettese of the Series C of Italy, was asked after the situation of his compatriot and signalled that "a player has to be to taste to surrender to the one hundred by one hundred. If this does not happen, is difficult that can see again his best version".
Messi, entirely only
Maxi López has said that "When a cycle finishes , finish ", referring to the attempt -fallido- of Lionel Messi to abandon the Camp Nou in the summer and the insistence of the institution blaugrana so that it fulfilled his agreement, that finished forcing to the Argentinian to remain at least a season more in the club.
The Argentinian forward also considers that Messi needs that the Barça, like team, accompany him and support to be able to shine. López affirmed that "we want to that it last one hundred years, but needs to the team helping, because Messi is one of the few in the world that can resolve a party". Finally, it signalled that it is not easy when they go footballers that have marked the team and that "the process of renewal has not completed and now Messi is a bit only".