Meeting exprés between the FC Barcelona and Aleix Vidal
Published:9/10/2016 - 21:21h
Updated:9/10/2016 - 21:21h
The FC Barcelona, with the aim to resolve the situation that crosses Aleix Vidal to the orders of Luis Enrique, could gather this week with the player tarraconense to give him an ultimatum of here to the arrival of the market of winter
The newspaper "MD" has desvelado in the last hours that diverse sportive managers of the FC Barcelona would have foreseen to gather, a day of this week, with Aleix Vidal to express him that, if it does not step forward in the trainings and begins to explain in the announcements of Luis Enrique, the entity will pose traspasarle during the market of winter of 2017 to another club.
The FC Barcelona would wish to resolve what before the problematic situation of the tarraconense, that chains six consecutive announcements without explaining for Luis Enrique and that now, with Sergi Roberto "touched" physically, could be more important that never of face to the next commitments of the group culé against Sportive of the Coruña in League and Manchester City in UEFA Champions League.
The news calls the attention, taking into account that probably the first that wishes to go summoned is the own Aleix Vidal, and that if the solution depended on he possibly already would have put it in practice. However, from the Barça want to ensure that the player does all the possible to win the confidence of Luis Enrique, since of the contrary his continuity in the team will be very in entredicho.
"This subject can not enquistarse more", would be saying in the breast of the FC Barcelona. Aleix Vidal will receive an ultimatum, like this then , and the time will say if said summit causes some type of positive effect for him same and, consistently, for the dynamics of group of the FC Barcelona and the basic wardrobe of Luis Enrique. Of espabilarse Aleix Vidal, "Struggle" would have an effective alineable more in the staff.