Messi confesses Jordi Évole: "Now I am good, with hopes, excited"
Published:21/12/2020 - 09:14h
Updated:21/12/2020 - 14:04h
The most expected interview of the last months, in which Leo Messi will go back to speak, will transmit during the next week in 'laSexta'
Since Lionel Messi affirmed that it was tired to be the problem of the FC Barcelona, has not pronounced regarding his situation in the Barcelona club, of the that tried to go out during the summer. But this Sunday, to the 21:25 hours (Spanish peninsular hour), the Argentinian will go back to be faced with the cameras to speak of how has lived these last months in the Camp Nou.
The situation of Messi, to day of today, is more than complicated. The captain culé has not hinted on his future neither how has felt in this season, in which it has been very criticised by his situation in the field and the 'bajón' in his figures goleadoras, but with the journalist Jordi Évole, this Sunday, sand will resolve many of the doubts that surround to the Argentinian star.
The interview, as it has confirmed the journalist, will have a length of 65 minutes, roughly, and turned into a talk in which Messi, apparently, has desahogado after all what has lived in these months with the Barça and his selection. "Leo, never had spoken so much time with a journalist", confessed him Jordi to the Argentinian forward.
"It will follow or no in the Barça?" It has been the question that more have done him to Évole in the social networks since it announced the date of the transmission of the interview, but has not given detail any on the content of the talk. Only it has left to see that it will see the most personal version of Messi.
In 2020 it could not be all bad.
— Jordi Évole (@jordievole) December 20, 2020
Next Sunday.
27 December 2020.
21:25 in @laSextaTV
Interview with LEO MESSI
More than an hour of talk with a Messi as never you have seen it.
A scoop of @delbarriotv pic.twitter.com/duift3bics
"I happened it very bad with the summer that happened, by the end of season and by what happened in summer, dragged it to the beginning"
The 'Mon to RAC1' has published a small advance that left a sentence of the star rosarino in which it confesses that it happened it very bad during the summer, when it tried to abandon the FC Barcelona. "I am well, I happened it very bad with the summer that happened, by the end of season and by what happened in summer, dragged it to the beginning, but now find me well, with win, ilusionado", aimed.
By his part, Jordi Évole has recognised that remained extremely surprised after the extensive conversation with Leo Messi. In some statements collected by 'The Avant-garde', said: "it surprised Me a lot. The one who think that Messi is an interviewed of monosyllabic will see that that is a phase surpassed. It is a mature person, that knows well to the Barça, to his surroundings and that knows how head to the fans, that surely missed of Messi a message of these characteristics. That is one of the strong of the conversation".
The nearest version of Messi
In addition to speaking on his present and future futbolístico, Messi also will give to know more appearances of his private life, by what the interview will divide in two blocks: one in which it confesses his vivencias current and another in which his life out of the terrain of game is the leading.
Évole Has advanced that "Messi speaks us a lot of him and of his character, of his vivencias when it came to Barcelona of boy further of what already knew, of his family, of his relation with the city, of the life, the children, the school, the routine, the restaurants that frecuenta, of the cartoons that sees with his children, until of if it has stepped some time the Mercadona…".