Sergi Roberto JoanGamper


MLS destination? Sergi Roberto is already thinking about his future after Barça

Published:15/10/2023 - 16:44h

Updated:15/10/2023 - 16:51h

Sergi Roberto's time at Barça seems to be close to coming to an end. Although he is completely focused on the present at FC Barcelona, ​​he is also beginning to consider his future as a footballer and has the United States in mind as a possible destination for a new adventure

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Major League Soccer in the actuality has presented like some surroundings idílico for a lot of footballers that already have had a successful career in Europe and wish to prolong his path in some competitive surroundings out of the bustle of the football in the Old Continent. This evidenció recently with the exjugadores of the FC Barcelona, Leo Messi, Sergio Busquets and Jordi Alba, those who joined to the ambitious project of the Inter Miami.

In this sense, one of the players of the Barça that it could join to United States in a near future is the current captain of the team, Sergi Roberto. To his 31 years and with 355 parties contested with the Catalan club (up to now), has lost some importance in the diagram of the combined of the City Condal in this campaign, being relegado to play only 224 minutes in six meetings, although it annotated a crucial goal for empatar the party against the Granada 2-2.

With the arrival of Joãor Cancel, Sergi Roberto has lost practically his opportunities to play in this position, added to the big quantity of players in the centre of the field, where also exerts . This does to think that, further of the expiration of his agreement with the FC Barcelona in 2024, could be finishing his bond like Barcelona player after 14 seasons.

The reasons by which Sergi Roberto would value to go to the MLS

Although the one of Reus is focused in his present like footballer of the Barça, also is considering his back stage to the club. It has trascended that it would not see with bad eyes join to the MLS by several appearances, standing out mainly the growth of the football in United States, country that will be the epicentre of the Glass America 2025 and the World-wide 2026, that will organise beside Mexico and Canada.

These appearances add to the fact that to Sergi Roberto likes him United States, especially New York, where has been in more than an occasion. Besides, it dominates the English language, what does to think that his adaptation to the life in this new country would not be so complicated.

Aunado To this, also has received positive references of players like Messi, Busquets, Alba, Riqui Puig and other exjugadores of the Barcelona that already have had experience in the American football, as Oriol Rossell, Ilie Sánchez and Andreu Fontás. All this does to think that Sergi Roberto probably will opt for joining to the MLS, although no descarta the possibility of a new adventure in some another European team.