The FC Barcelona informed this Thursday that the club already gave start to the works of adaptation of the Olympic Stadium Lluís Companys, where will play the next season. The culés have had to attend to this temporary measure at least until the autumn of 2024, according to the forecasts of the club, while it carries out the reforms of the Camp Nou.

The Barça has begun by the works of the terrain of game, changing the system of drainage, irrigation and treatment of the water, as it has detailed the information. Besides, also it is adapting to the necessary dimensions established by the Club. Besides they will initiate the general works of conditioning of Montjuïc in relation with the changing rooms, the terracings of press and the zones of hospitality, as well as the installation of systems of competition and the television transmission.

Beside the works in the own stadium, the club has detailed that they also will have improvements in the accesses. Likewise it will reinforce the public service, will install three new stations of bicing and will improve the illumination of the accesses in the days of party. All this understanding that the one who went stage of the Olympic games of 1992 has already a considerable time without receiving a party of First Division.

The operation does not have gone back backwards

The president of the Barcelona club, Joan Laporta, made this same Thursday an interview for 'Barça TV' and detailed on the change of stadium that "with the city council have put us of agreement, the negotiations have been very good and the gone to Montjuïc already is a reality. We are conditioning all the stadium, fundamentally the lawn, and that was adapted to be able to to go to play. The relation with the City council has been very fluent and have understood us".

The Catalan equally detailed on the remodeling of the Camp Nou, that "inside the first fortnight of January will know the adjudicator of the works that will do the reform and this big work that will be an architectural jewel". "We want that they fulfil the terms, can allow us a year out of the stadium but more is not recommended. The situation of this big work is that it already has begun, there is not course backwards and it is necessary to finish it to the rhythm that touches", added Laporta.