Before it began the first party of League between the Barcelona and the Betis, produced an expected minute of silence in memory of the victims of the attack of The Promenade. Both teams jointed in the centre of the field and embraced while it sounded the 'Cant dels Ocells' background.
To Messi saw him cabizbajo, remembering to the victims, whereas in some fans that were focused appreciated some tears. They are being some hard days in the city condal. The detail: 14 empty seats in homage to these 14 victims that lamentably no longer are with us.
The terracing of animation showed a banner that said "never anybody will be able to win us", something that also listens in the hymn of the Barça -"mai ningú ens podrà tòrcer", whereas in other parts of the stadium could read : "All are Barcelona".
Homage in the lawn
The players of the FC Barcelona carry in his T-shirts a black bracelet in memory of the victims and any carries his name in the back, but it appears the word 'Barcelona'. All homage is little to remember to all these people that suffered the terrorist barbarism the Thursday in The Promenade.