The fans and partners of the FC Barcelona will have opportunity until next Sunday 30 June to send his musical proposals (composition and letter) for which will be the official hymn of the club by his 125 anniversary. To the equal that sucedió when commemorating the 50, 75, and 100 years of the institution, this 2024 the directive has decided to renew the official chant culé that will sound before the start of each party from the next 29 November, when the club celebrates his anniversary.

For the moment, the Barça has received more than a hundred of pieces, all composed in Catalan. Of them they will choose three, each one rewarded with 6.000 euros for his author. From there it will begin the process of creation of the hymn, to hands of diverse interpreters and musical producers that 'pulirán' the letter and will commission to compose the final melody. Finally, there will be an internal vote between partners and directors to choose to the new official hymn.

The Barça expects to première his new hymn in the Camp Nou

Although the terms of the advance of the works in the Spotify Camp Nou will not allow reinaugurar the temple culé on 29 November, the directive trusts to return to the Estadi before it culminate the 2024 to be able to première officially the new hymn of the Barça. Some projections aim to finals of January like the date tentativa in which the club could return home, with a capacity of around 65.000 viewers. Nevertheless, the effort will be remarkable during the summer to advance the most possible with the project.

Regarding the hymn, the directive already had approved a new version 'modernizada' the past year of the 'Cant of the Barça', premièred in 1974 in the 75 anniversary of the club, titled 'Himne Triunfal'. Previously, in 1949, the club had premièred 'Barcelona, sempre amunt', by the 50 Barcelona anniversary. In 1999 it arrived the turn of the 'Cant of the Centenari' to celebrate the centenary culé. However, the version of 1974, composed by Josep Maria Espinàs and Jaume Hammer, and with music of Manuel Valls, has been the most emblematic up to now.