Neymar In a training


Neymar Arrives the last but presents to the training

Published:2/08/2017 - 09:29h

Updated:2/08/2017 - 09:35h

Key day this Wednesday in Barcelona. Neymar Could communicate him to the Barcelona club, of definite form, that goes to the PSG to win more millions. The Brazilian has presented in the Ciutat Esportiva to train under the orders of Valverde

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the middle of a big expectancy mediática, with crowd of cameras banked in the entrance of the Ciutat Esportiva, Neymar Jr went in with his car in the installations of the Barcelona club the last, but presented to the training that this morning will make the men of Ernesto Valverde. In principle it expects that it form part of the same.

And a lot of means have especulado in the last hours that this Wednesday could be the last day of Neymar like player of the Barça. Included that today despidiría of the staff with which has shared so many successes and moments of happiness these past four seasons. It will be necessary to expect.

While, in France await impatient his arrival. Although the sheik ensured this Tuesday that the PSG respects the agreements of players that are a member of rival clubs, the reality is that the French group carries days looking for the way to fund the signing of the Brazilian -will be through Qatar- without breaking the 'fair play' financial. 

Precisely by this reason Javier Thebes has reiterated by active and by passive his intention of denegar the credit of the clause that in theory the PSG will make próximamente. LaLiga Is conscious that lose to Neymar would suppose a varapalo for the exhibition mediática to the outside. Messi and Cristiano neither have so many years of route...

It follows the silence

Further of his constant games in Instagram, Neymar follows without saying at all publicly, something that has got angry a lot to the fans azulgrnas, that expected more than the Brazilian and now do not want to neither see it, until the point to see hanged near of the Camp Nou cartels with 'looks for treacherous and mercenary'. It will go by the rear door.