Neymar Chatting with Messi


Neymar Could leave to be non-EU in brief

Published:24/07/2017 - 13:30h

Updated:24/07/2017 - 14:23h

A year and half after having initiated the formalities to obtain the Spanish nationality, Neymar is very near to turn into citizen Spanish. Like this it explains it this Monday "Sportive World" in his web page. An interesting news

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The future of Neymar keeps on being uncertain. Because although I Hammered it hanged this Sunday an image in social networks announcing that "it remains ", the surroundings of the Brazilian footballer has not taken too much in going out to 'deny' this tweet, showing his surprise by the security with which the Barcelona head office affirmed it.  

What yes has clear Bartomeu and the managerial board is that no will go up him the wage to the Brazilian forward. The most logical reason, because it already renewed the past summer. And because it does not want to go in to any public auction with the PSG. There is a scale salarial and some budgets that have to fulfil. 

However, "Sportive World" gives this Monday a news that could suppose an absolute change to all this serial. Neymar Would be very near to achieve the Spanish nationality and could swear the Constitution, according to the half quoted, the next month of September. Something that would show his will for remaining here. 

The treaty between the Spanish government and Brazilian stipulates that a citizen that carries two years and half residing in Spain already can request the double nationality. And the '11' Barcelona carries already here from 2013, by what fulfils perfectly with the necessary requirements.  

Arrived of Yerri Mina?

As it explains the half quoted, if Neymar nationalises , the Barça would have a square freed that it could occupy it the central Yerri Mina, with which the Barça has an enclosed agreement according to several means sudamericanos and would come to the Barça in 2018. Some no descartan that it could incorporate, even, in full wintry market. 

Of not being Mina, other names that have gone out to the palestra in the last weeks could be the elected. The own Paulinho, by which the Barça follows negotiating; or Coutinho, that follows liking a lot to Robert by his versatility and projection.