From the Catalan press ensure that Ousmane Dembélé, after it have done official his signing by the FC Barcelona, would have foreseen to land in the City Condal this same Sunday to happen medical review the Monday from the eight of the morning and, to continuation, be presented in front of the fans of the Camp Nou and the media displaced.

The FC Barcelona already ultima the preparativos for the presentation of the that will be the fourth signing for the Barcelona staff this summer, after the ones of Gerard Deulofeu, Nelson Semedo and Paulinho, and that will mean a big hit to the market of signings when turning into the second costlier contracting of the history of the international football.

It foresees that Dembélé happen medical review in the Hospital of Barcelona to first hour of the morning, whereas to the midday will carry out the put of gala in front of the fans in the Camp Nou, opened for those that want to give the welcome to the young French talent.

Dembélé, with win to get dressed of short

On the other hand, the debut of Dembélé with the FC Barcelona could give the Saturday 9 September (20.45 hours) against the Espanyol in the Barcelona sanctuary, and so only three days afterwards, the Tuesday 12 September, could première in a big appointment against the Juventus of Turín, in which it will be the first day of the phase of groups of the Champions League.

In the barcelonismo breathes a big illusion in relation to the signing of Dembélé, although also something of doubts when treating of a player of 20 years that, although it saves a big potential in the boots, still has a lot that learn in the elite. Between all will help him in the changing room culé.