Joan Laporta and Ronald Koeman, in the Ciutat Esportiva | Source: FCB


From the 'break' between Koeman and Laporta to the Dutch's questions

Published:23/09/2021 - 19:10h

Updated:23/09/2021 - 19:58h

Koeman is probably living his last days or weeks at Barça, but the Dutchman still does not explain many things about the club's 'modus operandis'

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Crisis, controversial, and clashes are the three current stages of the FC Barcelona that leave to see, to sight of all, the worrisome moment that lives the club, to sportive level and especially institutional. The relation between the president Joan Laporta and Ronald Koeman, trainer of the first team, is insosotenible and in the last weeks have devoted to 'command' indirect and darts between himself. The situation is complicated, alarming and, of some way, penosa because the image of the club has weakened more than ever. And, the worst of the case, is that it seems that it is a war that goes begun.

There are two panoramas and two 'edicts' very marked. To the Dutch, in principle, him 'conviction' by the performance of the team in this beginning of season. The culés have not heaved flight and have remained portrayed in the majority of the parties, although they add two victories, a defeat and a tie. The image and the game has been very poor and different to what has showed the club historically. Koeman Has not arrived to give with the key of the team and accuses that with this staff can not expect miracles. To this, it is necessary to add him that in any moment has done self-criticism and remained evidenciado after reading a communiqué and not receiving ask after part of the press.

To Joan Laporta, by his part, has criticised him that has filtered too many things to the press, direct and indirectly. Of the same way, seems incomprehensible that, like president of the club, follow the 'game' to the answers by the press, instead of confronting expensive to face and resolve the differences in the offices. In silence and of a way in which the image of the club do not see prejudiced -even more-. They are unnecessary disputes in the public opinion and that perfectly could resolve in the dispatches, with the ratification of the permanence of Koeman or his dismissal. Without so much drama in the half, if it wants .

The true is that, with this panorama, the institutional situation of the Barça lives a moment delicate. There is too many claroscuros, guilty and responsible, no only the trainer. As it said 'Jan', he, as all the trainers, are "very conditioned by the results and in the case of the Barça by the game". This is not the only that 'rack' to Koeman, but also the fault of backrest and confidence of the club (deserved or no). They are many the things that does not understand the one of Zaandam and that, of some way, 'cause' his answers.

All the war between Laporta and Koeman began with the leak of the president to the press of the three conditions so that it produced his renewal further of this summer, something that to him had not explained him, as well as an ultimatum of three parties. The two faces of the club? To him it remains him the feeling that there is not sincerity and that, while to him say him a thing, appear others in the means.

Another incomprehensible factor for the ex of the selection of Low Countries is that 'Jan' ask patience to the fans, aiming that if there is something for resolving, will do it, but that at the same time his adviser, Enric Masip, communicate publicly that there are doubts with the work of the trainer. It was like this or no, you are prejudicing and leaving glimpsed that there is not confidence. And a president has to be sideways of all the 'prtagonistas' of the club.

Koeman Has all the ones to lose in this situation, knows it he, his surroundings and all the barcelonismo, but does not understand that it sink him for being sincere and speak of the real situation of the club, the staff and the true options that has the Barça as they are the things. The reality has 'hurt' to all the fans, but he has fulfilled and has it desvelado with all the consequences that this can bring for his figure.

It will follow the same way of Messi

The reality, in definite, is that Ronald Koeman is living his last days or weeks like trainer of the FC Barcelona. His destination will be far of the City Condal and are many the doubts that remain on the way. It will live difficult moments, this is clear. It does not understand how it will take, to his way, the same way that Lionel Messi, the one who also abandoned the club by the rear door.

Because this is the last point that Koeman does not finish to understand. He had Leo Messi and is not a secret that the exit of the Argentinian had affected to any trainer, was the one who went, because it was a leader and the engine of the team during too many years.