Martínez Munuera expelled Vitor Roque in the Alavés-Barça


OFFICIAL: Competition confirms the shame and sanctions Vitor Roque for his red card against Alavés

Published:7/02/2024 - 12:14h

Updated:8/02/2024 - 03:23h

FC Barcelona has once again suffered another unfortunate episode related to refereeing in LaLiga. On this occasion, the Competition Committee has ratified the sanction against Vítor Roque, despite the questionable nature of the action that led to it

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Bad news for the FC Barcelona. The Barcelona club would have very difficult to have Vitor Roque for the duel in front of the Granada CF (11/02). Although it has resorted to the second yellow card received by 'Tigrinho' the past Saturday in the commitment in front of the Alavés (1-3) and that meant his expulsion, finally the Committee of Competition did case omiso to this appeal and has kept the sanction to the player.

It is necessary to remember that the collegiate Martínez Munuera sanctioned for the second time to the 'artilleryman' blaugrana in the crash against the babazorros, arguing the following: "In the minute 72 the player (19) Roque Ferreira, Vitor Hugo was admonished by the following reason: For striking with the foot in the leg of an opponent of reckless way".

The arguments of the Committee of Competition

The referred organ issued a circulate in which it reaffirmed the sanction of a party and the back fine to economic level: "1 party of suspension by double caution and consequent expulsion, with fine accesoria in quantity of 350 € to the club and of 600 € to the offender".

In this sense, Competition has taken his posture leaving clear that, in his opinion, the proofs presented by the picture of the City Condal have not been sufficiently conclusive for revertir the decision. "This Committee considers that the images contributed by the club alegante do not attain to show the existence of a self-evident material error, being evident the existence of a contact ("as a lot it produces a simple brush", recognises in his writing the compareciente)".

Said resolution is expanded of the following way: "In other words: it does not appreciate of way indubitado that the player admonished did not make the action that remained consigned in the record. The repeated viewing of the images, in definite, has not allowed to this Committee conclude, further of all doubt, that the action did not produce as it described it the referee and, in definite, test the self-evident material error in the relate referee's".

The FC Barcelona still could resort to the Committee of Appeal

It is necessary to limit that to the FC Barcelona still remains him an opportunity to be able to have the '19' in the crossing against the grenadian. As it aims 'Sportive World' the club culé has a term of until 10 days to present allegations in front of the Committee of Appeal, which the team could do próximamente, with the aim that it resolve the Thursday or the Friday.