Pau Gasol will be presented in the next days


Official! Pau Gasol will join to the Barça the next week

Published:25/02/2021 - 17:08h

Updated:25/02/2021 - 17:24h

In alone few days the legendary Pau Gasol will subject to the prescriptive medical review, already the dessert will be presented like index card of the FC Barcelona

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona is designing these days the plan of landing of Pau Gasol in the Palau. The pívot of Sant Boi, whose signing by the Barcelona team has desatado a big impact in the international basketball after his course to the NBA, will arrive to the institution culé in the next days to be officially presented and incorporate like this to the work with his new mates. Gasol Would have signed until final of season.

In first instance had especulado with the possibility that Gasol, of 40 years, continued his career by a time in the United States working by his account until his doctors considered that his foot already was in conditions to face the requirements of a team of first level. Fortunately, it will not be like this. Pau will arrive in the next days to be presented during the next week (surely Wednesday or Thursday), to add immediately to the work of the Barça of Sarunas Jasikevicius.

Previously, the ex player of the NBA will have to subject to the prescriptive medical review to continue with the oficialización of his signing by the Barcelona. This step is fundamental for the validation of the agreement signed and his back put to the orders of the Lithuanian technician, the one who in fact also is his fellow near and ex mate.

Until the moment desconoce still the exact date of the arrival of Pau Gasol to Barcelona, as the player will move with his wife and his daughter and, when having both the American nationality, will have to fulfil first a series of formalities because of the pandemia by coronavirus, that obviously has complicated all the fields.

There is not urgency

In spite of the complication become by the pandemia, there is not urgency neither by part of the Barcelona in seeing playing to Pau split like Barcelona, neither neither by part of the own player. Not even it expects that it work to the same rhythm that his mates during his first times in the Palau. The aim is that the legendary pívot go winning fitness and rhythm of game of progressive way until it can go entering paulatinamente in the dynamics of the group.

Meanwhile, it is menester observe how answers his left foot to the practices, as the same has prevented him play from does almost two years, in front of the progressive elevation of the loads of effort. To Pau has cost him of big way leave backwards the consequences of the fracture of the escafoide tarsiano of his foot, but seemingly is it achieving finally.

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