Already it is closed. Sergi Samper will happen to form part of the staff of the UD The Palms this season 2017-18, after it have confirmed by part of the two clubs the cession of the Catalan midfield player course to the insular group.
The arrival of Paulinho left him without gap in the first staff, and has had to look for a destination to contracorriente. After the fruitless cession of the past course in the Granada, in this occasion Samper will continue playing in First Division and this time in a team with big touch of balloon as it is the UD ThePalms . The Canarian group has lost to Roque Table -traspasado to the Swansea-, and the canterano Barcelona will relieve him.
"It goes to arrive a mediocentro in the next days. Today we have explained him in a meeting to the technical body of the player that go him to bring. It treats of a young footballer, but that adjusts to our profile", commented does some days the president Miguel Ángel Ramírez in statements to 'UDRadio', of which did echo 'Sportive World'.
Ramírez admitted then that "there is a lot of interest of his team for yielding us it and there is interest by the player". Now, already it is all closed officially and the FC Barcelona has made public a communiqué in which it announces the course of Samper. "The FC Barcelona and the UD The Palms have arrived to an agreement for the cession of the player Sergi Samper of face to the season 2017-18", says the message in question.
Like this the things, the FC Barcelona decongests the 'overbooking' of players that has in the centre of the field, waiting for that they can arrive Coutinho or Seri to reinforce even more the staff directed by Ernesto Valverde.
The Barça, still with pending duties
From now, and to fault of few days so that it close the market of signings 2017, the FC Barcelona follows working in the operation gone out and looks for him team to Munir, Douglas, Vermaelen and Burn Turan among others, although the Belgian could be the central chamber if the injuries respect him. Ernesto Valverde no descarta give him an opportunity.