Rafinha Alcántara, during a party with the FC Barcelona


OFFICIAL: The Barça confirms the cession of Rafinha to the Inter

Published:22/01/2018 - 19:41h

Updated:22/01/2018 - 19:59h

The FC Barcelona already has done official the cession of Rafinha Alcántara to the Inter of Milan until the term of the present season 2017-18. The Italians assume the index card of the Brazilian and have an option of purchase of 35 millions more 3 in variables

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona has confirmed already the cession of Rafinha Alcántara to the Inter of Milan until the term of the present season 2017-18, because of the absence of opportunities of game that the Hispanic-Brazilian would have had in the Barça, and to his will to try cuajar good performances in the picture 'nerazzurri' stops of this way assist to the World-wide of Russia 2018 with Brazil.

The Barça has informed that the wage of Rafinha Alcántara will be assumed by the Inter of Milan, and that the Italian group will have of an option of purchase by value of 35 million euros more three 'kilos' more in variables by the player of the Barça, although in the communiqué published by the Barça does not say that said option of purchase was compulsory.

"The Italian club will have to confirm the option of purchase before it finish this season", says in the communiqué issued by the FC Barcelona, by what exist a lot of doubts on if the group culé will finish seeing these 35 millions by Rafinha.

Rafinha Will have minutes in the Inter

The question is that the player already has what wanted: a team in which can have of the minutes that would not have had in the FC Barcelona, because of the very wide competition that exists in the centre of the field, and even more after the recent arrival of Coutinho.

In the Inter of Milan, Rafinha will be able to develop his qualities and contribute goals, assistances and offensive game. Some have criticised his course to the group 'nerazzurri', but the Hispanic-Brazilian arrives to Milan with the will of callar mouths. We expect that the injuries respect him.