OFFICIAL: The Guangzhou Evergrande announces the turn of Paulinho to China
Published:8/07/2018 - 23:31h
Updated:9/07/2018 - 02:23h
The rumour jumped does hardly some days, but with the elimination of Brazil of the World-wide have precipitated the events. The Guangzhou Evergrande has announced in the social networks that Paulinho is back to China, and that will leave the FC Barcelona
The information arose does some days in full dispute of the World-wide, but Brazil remained taken down this Saturday and has not taken in confirming . Paulinho Leaves the FC Barcelona a year after his arrival, and will go back to the Guangzhou Evergrande to contest the Superliga of China. In the next hours the Catalans could confirm more details of the operation.
To fault that the rest of involved justify his reasons, the situation aims to an offer irrechazable for both parts, that would have agreed an exit without too many problems. The player was had and the Barcelona satisfied with the proposal, by what after some meetings with his agents would have resolved the subject with shortness.
Several sources signal that the Brazilian will earn the double of what perceived in his last stage in the oriental group, happening of around 7 million euros to 14 'kilos' by season. Far to be an only economic election, his family also has weighed a lot, since in spite of his comfort in the City Condal, his stay in China was, in words of the crack, "perfect".
For the Barça, his sale could result also very profitable, because it would leave 50 millions in box and would free a square for non-EU players. They remain for resolving the conditions in which it will resolve the traspaso, since it has rumoreado a cession that could finish with an option of purchase, that be would do effective in January of 2019.
Paulinho, a disclosure in the Barça
As they already did other unexpected signings like Seydou Keita, Paulinho has showed in some months that could be a complement ideal for the 'jugones' culés, with strength, delivers arrival and a mentality to the height of very few. The one of Sao Paulo turned off the criticisms after arriving of a lower league, and although it was not indisputable headline himself was a very appreciated piece by Ernesto Valverde.
Backwards they remain a lot of parties for the memory, 9 goals to help to his mates and, between other anecdotes, histories so powerful like the one of Getafe, with a stellar apparition for a traced back on the horn. The todocampista has lived a stay something brief in the Camp Nou, but to his way, has attained to leave his footprint.