Xavi in the day of his presentation with the Barça / Image: Twitter Official FCB


OFFICIAL: Xavi already complete his 'staff' technical in the Barça

Published:10/11/2021 - 17:12h

Updated:10/11/2021 - 17:41h

Xavi Hernández, new technician of the FC Barcelona, already has two trainers assistants, a trainer of goalkeepers, a preparador physical and three analysts

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Xavi Hernández already has all his team to face the greater challenge that up to now has assumed since it hanged the booties. The new technician of the first team of the FC Barcelona faces his stage in the bench of the Camp Nou with until six new faces in the 'staff' technical of the Barcelona club.

Xavi will be accompanied of two trainers assistants, his brother Òscar Hernández and Sergio Cheerful -both already coincided with Xavi in the To the-Sadd-; in addition to the trainer of goalkeepers José Ramon De la Fuente, that is the only integral of the technical body that has kept along the last years, specifically from 2012 that arrived to the first team of the hand of 'Tito' Vilanova.

Likewise, it joins to the team Iván Torres will be the preparador physical, to the detriment of Albert Rock, the one who landed to Can Barça the past campaign of the hand of Ronald Koeman and has been of the first in derrumbarse with the dance of the Barcelona bench. Although it does not appear in the main image, another of the incorporations is the one of Carlos Nogueira like fisioterapeuta.

By his part, Sergio Garcia, Toni Wolf and David Prats fungirán like technical analysts of the first Barcelona team. They will accustom to see the commitments of the Barça from the main grandstand to record them and, to the dessert, analyse them painstakingly with the end to extract conclusions on the picture culé and his rivals.

Possible return

It would be necessary to add to all these changes, the futurible return of Ricard Pruna, that would go back to situate at the head of the medical services of the club. It is request expresses of Xavi, the one who coincided with him in his previous stage as like player of the Barça. Pruna Already has cleared his stage in Dubai, where recaló after abandoning the Barça in September of the 2020.

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