This was the 'ordeal' of Jana Fernández after a year off with Barça Femení
Published:8/03/2023 - 13:39h
Updated:8/03/2023 - 13:39h
Jana Fernández has once again placed herself under Jonatan Giráldez's orders at Barça Femení. The defender has recounted part of her experience during the hard recovery process she has had to face
In spite of keeping a rhythm arrollador during the season in the League F, the feminine section of the FC Barcelona has faced hard problems along the course owing to the injuries. The most extensive drop has been the one of Jana Fernández, the one who has been moved away of the activity from mediated of February of 2022 after having gone through the operating theatre and now is back, list to the orders of Jonatan Giráldez.
In a recent interview for the newspaper 'Sportive World', the defender has related part of his experiences after the prolonged process of recovery that has lived, as well as the fact to having surpassed all these difficulties before going back to the field. Now, it will go out with very good feelings to encarar his next commitments.
His reaction after the injury
Definitely, enterarse that it had to be out of the action by more than a year was not an easy news to accept: "Anybody is prepared so that they say him of a day for the another that will be a year without playing to football and never there is better moment for this injury. The first days were horrible, had to think in being a year was, go through operating theatre and afterwards day after day think with the positive mind to arrive to reappear".
For the defence, the psychological section has been important to face up to his ailments: "it would say that the first days are very hard mentally. And you see to your family suffer by you. I tried to be well not to do them suffer, but was hard. I hit rock bottom the first days, but afterwards the mental work to look for him the positive side to everything and mark small aims is very important to achieve go back".
The psychological appearance
Treat the subject mentally has been one of his greater challenges: "By the mental part is one of the things that more grateful am because I think that has done me more mature to the hour to see the life, no only the football, in the life, relativizar. It is true that it is my work, but is a knee and there are people in situations a lot worse, so it had to take it to me of the best form".
Of equal way, indicated which were the keys for sobrellevarlo by more than a year: "Express all what felt in each moment, although in this injury come you selfish thoughts, thoughts that say, would not have to them have, but have to accept the thoughts as they avenge. Sometimes it thought the envy that had that they are playing they in the Camp Nou, thoughts like this. At the end it felt me culprit for feeling all this. You have to do an individual work with the help of professionals, of your mates, ofall . Express all what felt. There were not good or bad feelings, it was necessary to accept all what felt".
His doubts and the confidence of the club
In spite of the uncertainty on if it would recover his level, Jana knew to face the situation and go advancing in his process of recovery and the importance to have to a mate like Bruna Vilamala: "Especially at the beginning, here you see you very feeble, the knee is another. I asked it to me, but had to Bruna that went by in front of me and said me that volveríto equal that always or better. Have the tranquility to have to Bruna like mirror did me be more calmed".
Even so, his renewal in the middle of the process of recovery filled him of confidence: "For me it was vital to have the tranquility of when it went back to play to the football, have the calm that would be still in the club, that is what have wished during so much time. It is my dream of small and that offered me the renewal before going back with the team is a sample of full confidence in me and expect to be able to give it back".