Pep Guardiola celebrates a title with the players in his stage at Barça


Pep Guardiola takes out to the light the secrets of the changing room of the Barça

Published:1/04/2021 - 09:47h

Updated:1/04/2021 - 09:47h

Pep Guardiola has confessed that no all was colour of rose in his stage like trainer of the FC Barcelona and that did not save a good relation with some players

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona of Pep Guardiola made history when turning into the first team in winning a 'sextete', in the season 2008-2009. It was an invincible picture and that went through on of all his rivals, in Spain and Europe, but was not simple always. The Catalan trainer, at present in the Manchester City, has desvelado that no all was perfect in his stage in the Camp Nou and that had players that did not think in the very common.

In an interview with 'ESPN', Guardiola has confessed and spoke of a subject of the that no many times had spoken, his relation with the changing room of the Barça, in addition to the reason in the actuality the football has become a 'business', as well as the scars that leave some footballers in the life of the trainers.

The Catalan explained that "in the Barcelona had relations much nearer with some players that with others because there are a lot of players that think in the very common, and seat me much more near of this type of player that of which only think 'I, I, I'. These, when we have to use them, use them, and when we do not have to them use, do not use them", confessed.

Besides, it has explained that "the relations with the players always leave scars, but also a lot of learning. It learns of everything", but that for this depends a lot the disposal of the footballer and little of the technician, since there is those who deserve have a near relation and others a more distant relation", explained.

The football, A business?

Pep Guardiola has left clear that can have a distant relation with a player and equally take out the best of him so that it shine in the field because, at the end of the day, the football finishes being a business in which the only put is to win, as it has left to see. In concrete, explained that "the football is a business that consists in that the day that the referee pite and begin the party you win it".

In this sense, signalled that "apart from this if we are more or less fellow this does not matter. This is a business. And here I am I with the aim to take out the best of the players" by what "have to play well in profit of our club and so that the fans was happy", prto that "have good relations is fantastic. But for me they are good or bad is the same because this is a business", sentenced the trainer 'citizen'.