Samuel Umtiti in a party with the FC Barcelona


Pep Guardiola would want to pay in January the clause of Umtiti

Published:31/12/2017 - 22:19h

Updated:1/01/2018 - 11:11h

It arrived it does some months and has turned into a pillar of the FC Barcelona. Although it is lesionado, Samuel Umtiti has raised a lot of interest between the big teams of the continent, that pose pay his clause of rescission. The City, the most decided

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The 25 million euros that does a year and half the FC Barcelona paid by Samuel Umtiti have remained very short, almost as much as today seems his clause of rescission. The 60 'kilos' that mark the exit of the French are very apetecibles, and are varied the teams that have interested in carrying to the Frenchman what before.

In England aim that one of the most decided is the Manchester City, since, as 'The Sun', would be a request expresses of Pep Guardiola. The one of Santpedor sees in him to a central with the virtues to triumph in the Camp Nou, that are, precisely, the same that would do him adapt perfectly to his style of game.

After rondar the signing of Virgil go Dijk, the 'citizens' would have withdrawn of a bidding that finish winning the Liverpool, that converted to the Dutch in the most expensive defence of the history. Some informations indicated then that it was the technician the one who gave the order, to centre in 'fish' his new aim in the City Condal, that, besides, would go out cheaper.


Although the informations have been contradictory in the last months, everything indicates that the own Samuel Umtiti is calm and waiting for that the Barça move him an offer of renewal that will improve his situation before the World-wide of Russia. The retouching in his conditions will modify the wage, but also the clause and the date in which it expires his agreement, for the moment valid until June of 2021.