Alba regrets  in a party


PINBALL: Between Dest and Jordi Alba put the second goal of the Real Madrid

Published:10/04/2021 - 21:49h

Updated:10/04/2021 - 22:15h

Both sides touched the balloon after the free shot that earned Toni Kroos, for finally put in own door the second goal of the Real Madrid in less than half hour

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Without being able to finish to assimilate the first goal of Benzema, the Barcelona wrapped in a dynamics of physical game that finished for giving him to the Real Madrid a shot loibre direct in front of the arch of Ter Stegen, that commissioned to earn his coterráneo Toni Kroos. The German, of good hit, commanded a shot adjusted to the that Jordi Alba and Sergiño Dest complicated them completely and finished in the middle of several rebounds without avoiding the second annotation of the team merengue.

First it touched in Dest, planted in the barrier. The shot with a lot of intention to plant hit in the side of the side to divert the path and leave something descolocado to Ter Stegen, but with chances to react. However, a second carambola did that Jordi Alba cabeceara the balloon without opportunity and almost with the played on, what did that the balloon finished in the arch for the 2-0 of the Real Madrid.

The played of the free shot was the last of a chain of hits and faults that began to make the FC Barcelona in the middle of some minutes in which they were descolocados. The goal of Benzema arrived when the culés began to scalar and finally influenced in the positioning, leaving even to Pedri with a yellow card by a fault on Casemiro that Lahoz decided to punish with yellow to put him end to the constant hits.

Previous to the goal, Benzema also tried it of free shot from a similar position, without emabrgo could not at least inomodar to Ter Stegen, that saw like the bleated went by high and very far in spite of the good hit of the French. Already for the second opportunity the attendant was Kroos, of greater delicacy when treating the balloon and his shot could surtir effect in front of a barrier that did not position of the best way and could mark difference.

Except Messi, without answer

If the first goal was a balde of cold water, the second finished by helar to the Barcelona, that by more than tried to go up by band in front of the Real Madrid did not achieve it, braked always by Casemiro or Valverde, as well as the coverages of Mendy and Lucas Vázquez, this last that went out lesionado of a knee and caused the entry of Odriozola. Dembelé Totally inert in the transition of the ball and when it seemed to light something, the white defence braked it.

Messi was the only that tried it and put something of magic from the corner, near of the end of the first time, in an occasion that finished in a stick with Courtois totally pulled and won in front of the almost olympic goal of the Argentinian after a discussed shot of corner. 2-0 to finish the first time in the Gave Stéfano with the Real Madrid more than enchufado in LaLiga, now, by in front of the Barcelona that of not tracing back will have to depend on colchoneros and merengues.