Arturo Vidal in a training session of Barça | FCB


Advantages and disadvantages that selling Arturo Vidal would have for Barça

Published:29/05/2020 - 22:57h

Updated:29/05/2020 - 22:57h

The future of Arturo Vidal is surrounded by doubts, since the contract that ties him to Barça expires in 2021. These are the advantages and disadvantages that his transfer would have for the club

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The list of transferibles of the FC Barcelona has numerous names, and one of the most stood out is the one of Arturo Vidal. The one of Saint Joaquín landed in the City Condal in the summer of 2018 with the firm aim to do with a Champions League that does not appear in his list of winners, but after a first elimination and taking into account that his agreement expires in 2021, has arrived the hour to clear a future that is revolved.

The Chilean does not close the door to remain in the Camp Nou, but the Series To sounds with strength like his next destination. The 'operation gone out' of the Barcelona will be important and Juventus and Inter of Milan have taken positions to take advantage of the opportunity, although it is not clear if finally it will include him in some exchange because the throw and slackens is very hard so much with the piamonteses as with the lombardos.

The footballer and the sportive managers culés have evaluated his options, and there is pros and contras that do reference to the traspaso. Except Leo Messi, Marc-André ter Stegen and Frenkie of Jong, there is few intocables in the changing room, and in spite of his excellent performance, it is necessary to understand that they go in a lot of more variable in the analysis. To continuation can observe some points that will study before choosing:

The pros and contras of the goodbye of Arturo Vidal


One of the priorities of the Barça is to consolidate a project on a long-term basis, and the sudamericano bumps with the process of rejuvenation of the first team. It does some weeks that fulfilled 33 years, something that supposes a problem in spite of his efforts and to his commitment. It is evident that his delivery is out of all doubt, but it nomal would be that his capacity was diminishing progressively by the unavoidable step of the time.

Between you put them of the club also is to recess a mass salarial that has turned into a threat, and this is a plot where also touches to do reference to the 'king'. The crisis of the coronavirus has stressed the need of recortar wages and bet by players with gains more modest, and change him by a youngster -canterano or no-, could fulfil this mission, since embolsa near of eight million euros by campaign.

The performance of the Chilean no only has helped in the sportive, but it also has contributed to sustain his valuation. The Inter argues a price fixed of 20 million euros, almost the same that credited to the Bayern of Munich in 2018, but even with the devaluation that has caused the pandemia, seems a just quantity by a todoterreno that already has experience in the Series To and keeps on being able to shine in Europe.

Inside the active to sell, Arturo is not one of the most sensitive, something that concerns to the fans in cases like the ones of Semedo and Arthur. It is obvious that would not be a drop any one because for the time being it does not have reply neither in the staff neither in the inferior categories, but by his experience and the relative ease in his incorporation -was a risky but no expensive bet-, does not seem a so risked farewell like others.

Neither it is necessary to forget that Vidal would help to resolve the puzzle of the non-EU, that in 2020 could go back to be decisive. If the one of Goiania does not leave , for him will be one of the three squares, and the another could carry it Ronald Araújo, that aims to remain in the first team and soon will initiate the formalities to nationalise Spanish. The third would remain it to him Lautaro Martínez, with Neymar like option more remote.


The character of the Chilean contributes to the changing room a point of competitiveness that never is of more. Ernesto Valverde had to stop him the feet so that it did not happen of braked, but very managed and without controversies, the 'king' is one of these footballers to which always suits to have at the side. Further of his physical deployment, his tireless mentality could help a lot to the young promises to which always has supported.

The statistics confirm to the crack like a weapon that was missing in the room of machines of the Barça, in which they abound the 'peloteros' but escasean the llegadores. Nearer to Ivan Rakitic that to Sergio Busquets, accumulates nine goals and ten assistances in 84 commitments in all the competitions, and some of his interventions have been keys to tie up victories or save delicate moments.

Although his exit would not be especially painful, this does not mean that it was easy to cover, since, as it has mentioned previously, there is not anybody in the club with a profile that asemeje to the his. The ex of the Juve no desentona in the game of combination, but besides is the perfect hinge between the defence and the attack. To find to his heir and the one of Paulinho it would be necessary to spend some millions that the culés do not have.