There is not half inks for Aleix Vidal. The one of Puigpelat went out does few weeks of an injury of long length produced when better was playing with the FC Barcelona, and from now has proposed continue with the good feelings and offer an attractive game.
This remained showed in the first party of pre-season 2017 against the Juventus of Turín, with a grandísima performance of the tarraconense in the first-half, prodigándose in the right band with a very high pressure that carried him to recover several balloons very near of the area of the Juventus of Turín, and also to defensive level near of the area of Cillessen.
In the first-half anticipated to perfection to a balloon that went to receive Mandzukic alone in the interior of the area, and achieved to move away the danger. With the step of the minutes went encouraging even more to the attack, and starred a played in which it threw a pipe to his defender and afterwards shot against the goal of Buffon, refusing the Italian the shot.
Aleix Vidal wants to triumph in the Barça
Aleix Vidal is very motivated of face to the next season, and is not for less. It knows that, by conditions and qualities, is able to win the titularity by in front of Nelson Semedo in the right band of the FC Barcelona, especially with Ernesto Valverde that finish to arrive and, as it is natural, will give opportunities to those who see with more attitude and predisposition.
Aleix Vidal already is more than adapted to the changing room of the FC Barcelona and to the diagram of game of the group culé. It is a portento physical and also luce good technical qualities, being able to play in punctual moments of extreme. If it follows squeezing to himself same, can that this was his season of the confirmation in the FC Barcelona.