In addition to taking advantage of to see in direct the Andorra-Switzerland where expected to check the state of the side Stephan Lichtsteiner but had to conform with seeing to another interesting head office, Robert Fernández also gathered with the representative of Aleix Vidal. As it has trascended by means of "Catalonia Ràdio", the Barcelona sportive director and Rodri spoke of the future of the side.
And seemingly it is not at all halagüeño for the Catalan. Both parts spoke with frankness, always according to the source mentioned and to which also gives credibility the Catalan press, and left clear that the situation of the defender can not follow like this. The relation between trainer and footballer is bad and can not enquistarse in the time.
Robert and the Barça see to Vidal like an active of the staff and want to that it go back to be the one who despuntó in the Seville FC. It results that now it has the opportunity to give him the turn to the situation given the injury of Sergi Roberto. His performance during this time, and the decisions that take Luis Enrique, will be keys for the market of winter.
As another information that has gone out through this same source is that the FC Barcelona would have opened him the door of exit to the player in case that this do not change during these two next months. It will be necessary to expect to see what sucede but no longer descarta, for nothing, the sale or cession of the player.