Dani Alves And Éric Abidal celebrate a goal of the FC Barcelona


Alves Remembers the best moment that lived in his stage in the FC Barcelona

Published:10/11/2018 - 17:27h

Updated:11/11/2018 - 02:18h

His character enamora to many and upsets to other so many, but it is necessary to recognise that Dani Alves is much more that a footballer. In a recent interview, the Brazilian has remembered that the best moment of his stage in the FC Barcelona did not have to see with a balloon

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It does already a time that opted for saying goodbye to the City Condal and launch to his last adventures in Europe, but Dani Alves does not forget neither a detail of his go through the FC BarcelonaThe lateral veteran right has conceded a very personal interview to 'Sky Sports', and in addition to the football, has commented varied of the appearances that have marked his career.

His conversation with the half British has left some perlas usual in the one of Bay, that has spoken of his aspirations, put them reached or his relation with figures of the size of Pep Guardiola, José Mourinho or Leo Messi. But besides, it has answered a question that has taken out to relucir his more human side.

The player of the PSG has been questioned by the best moment that lived in the Camp Nou, and has not doubted too much to the hour of reflexionar and answer with a lot of security. "The best memory that have of the Barcelona is personal, a human memory. It is when Abidal recovered of his illness", has sincerado.

"It was something incredible, the happiest moment of my go through the Barcelona", has declared Alves, whose become friends with the French has been stood out in several occasions. After knowing that the one of Saint-Genis-Laval had a tumor in the liver that forced him to subject to a transplante, the Brazilian offered part of his organ to help him, something that the Frenchman finish refusing.

"It wanted to join with me to this fight and I knew the importance of his gesture, but said that no by last it that it could be for him his life like footballer", recognised the current technical secretary Barcelona time afterwards. Fortunately, it attained to leave his problems to a side, and now is a piece stood out of the Barcelona organisation chart. But Dani Alves does not forget.

Dani Alves, very rooted in the FC Barcelona

In spite of that it does not attain esquivar his fame of controversial, the true is that his mates save a big memory of Dani Alves, and his relation even keeps further of his own sportive paths. In the changing room of the Barça, are varied those that gather often with the crack, that in his visits to Barcelona is used to to go through house of Leo Messi but also of other members of the current staff.