Ansu Fati Has been without place to doubts the greater surprise for the FC Barcelona in what it goes of season 2019-20, a discovery of present and a lot of future that the club already has commissioned of 'protect' to contractual level. The youngster bissauguineano has surprised with his goals, assistances and desparpajo to his 17 years of age, beating several records of precocity so much in the Barça as in the competitions of League and Champions.
However, it keeps the feet in the floor and is decided to be followed improving day in day out in the first team of the Barça, where already has remained definitively. This does not remove that have big dreams and ambitions, by which will struggle and will leave the skin along the year 2020. One of them is the one to play the Eurocopa 2020, something that will have complicated by the big competition but that, with Luis Enrique of seleccionador Spanish, is possible.
"Go to the Eurocopa? Ojalá, ojalá", has ensured Ansu Fati during his visit to the school of football of Saw South (Seville), where began his career futbolística when it was a boy. In statements conceded to 'Mediaset Sport', Ansu Fati leaves clear that in this school "seat me as home and does not cost me at all be here with these boys".
The meteoric promotion of Ansu Fati also has given in the social networks and media, awarding to the teenage youngster of 17 years a degree of semi-star futbolística that it will have to sobrellevar along the next years, and that to some has affected them negatively in the past. See the case of players like Balotelli, Bojan or Depay, those who by some reasons or others never arrived to fulfil the big expectations that promised.
But the Fati, so much Ansu like his father Bori, are conscious of all what surrounds them and do not want that this distract to the young player of his committed: play to the football and follow progressing little by little. "We do not forget of where come, our roots and Ansu has the feet in the floor", ensures Bori Fati to the quoted media, always controlling the movements of his son.
Ansu Fati, player of the first team to all the effects
Ansu Fati Has suffered some physical ailments in the last weeks that have done him lose concrete parties, but fortunately has not suffered injuries of importance in the Barça. In the first staff runs the risk to stagnate if it does not play with regularity, but Valverde has it clear: it wants him in the first team and thinks that, in spite of the competition of the 'MSG' and Dembélé, will be able to find him hollow of progressive way in the alignments. Only like this, with leadership in the field, will be able to Ansu Fati struggle by a note for the Eurocopa 2020.