Arturo Vidal and Leo Messi, going out of the bus of the FC Barcelona


Arturo Vidal and the quarantine: "I am training as never I did it"

Published:9/05/2020 - 14:46h

Updated:9/05/2020 - 14:46h

Arturo Vidal has conceded some statements in which has ensured that is taking advantage of the period of confinement to "train as never" had done it

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Chilean midfield player of the FC Barcelona, Arturo Vidal, has conceded an interview to the program 'Welcome', in the context of the campaign of support that makes with the Red Cross, and has spoken on how has happened the last months of confinement because of the threat of the Covid-19. It ensures that it has taken advantage of to the maximum the quarantine to keep fit and, even, improve his physical state.

"I have had time to prepare me well. Since I began my career, never had so much time to train so much and now took advantage of it to the maximum. Fortunately already we are in a moment to go out to train, that is what expected", explains Arturo Vidal.

"I have trained me a lot, because now it comes the final part of the tournament, in which it is necessary to win the titles"

In this sense, shows convinced that the work that has come making will be able to contribute to that the FC Barcelona raise titles this atypical season 2019-20, when they restart the competitions. "It has been difficult. Already they are almost two months shut. It is complicated, but the circumstance deserved it. Yes I have trained me a lot, because now it comes the final part of the tournament, in which it is necessary to win the titles".

Simultaneously, it has spoken on the campaign that has set up beside the Red Cross, with the aim to help to the most needed in half of the pandemia of coronavirus that azota to the world. "It is a campaign that initiate with Gary Medel, to go in help for those who more need it. The important is to contribute a granite of sand", expresses Vidal.

Finally, it has wanted to command a message to his mother, thinking in the celebration that will make this Sunday in Chile. "My mum is a fundamental pillar in my career and my life. Thanks to her I am where am, win them to struggle and the effort is merit of her. Always I give him the graces".

Arturo Vidal, with win to follow training

Arturo Vidal attended to train this past Friday to the Ciutat Esportiva Joan Gamper, after having happened the test of coronavirus and the corresponding medical proofs the past Wednesday. Already it is smart to continue exercising, and foresees that of here to some days can do it beside the rest of his mates. Everything will depend on the evolution of the situation in Catalan earths, and of the measures adopted by the Government and LaLiga.

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