The Barça didn't surrender: Jordi Alba caused the own goal of Alcalá
Published:5/12/2020 - 22:32h
Updated:6/12/2020 - 00:53h
The FC Barcelona, that did not lose the face to the match in any moment in spite of the goal, keep trying it and before the hour of game attained the goal of the tie
In spite of having left underneath in the marker in the first-half, the FC Barcelona went out in the second time with win to trace back the party, and the entrance of Dembélé and Pedri helped to that the group culé was more incisive by the bands and had a greater depth. Before the hour of game, in the minute 57, the culés saw recompensada his insistence.
A big played gestada in the zone of three chambers of field, with opening to the left band of Jordi Alba, allowed that the Barcelona empatase momentáneamente the meeting. Jordi Alba took out one of his traditional centres rasos to the penalty spot, and Pedro Alcalá diverted the ball to his own goal when trying clear, marking an autogol.
The target was a big release for the Barça, that until then had not achieved to penetrate in the entramado defensive of the ones of Cervera, very safe backwards and with a lot of job for desbaratar one and again the intentonas culés. The Barça seemed encouraged and with win to finish to decant the scales to his favour, with more than half hour still for playing .
What did not expect anybody is that, hardly five minutes afterwards, a blunder between Alba, Lenglet and Ter Stegen, improper for the level and renown of a club like the Barça, would go back to favour in the marker to a Cádiz that, when seeing again with advantage, no longer the soltaría.
Jordi Alba, with two faces in Cádiz
Jordi Alba, therefore, could say that it was the good and the bad of the film culé this Saturday. It was essential so that the Barça empatase and, five minutes afterwards, delivered a pass in kickoff of band of authentic enemy for Lenglet, to the one who arrived him the ball bouncing to his own area. The French decided badly when leaving happen the balloon, and allowed that Negredo took advantage of of the little forcefulness of Ter Stegen.
2-1 and for casita. The FC Barcelona will have to improve a lot if it wants to struggle by some title this season, and do not refer us to the section of quality neither physicist, but to the of attitude and concentration. Also to the of mental fortress. Of the contrary, and by a lot of that weigh us, will touch to live another campaign in white...