Riqui Puig is called to be one of the future leaders of the FC Barcelona in the centre of the field. The one of Matadepera has it everything to triumph and seems that Quique Setién will give him minutes to show that has place in the first team. The midfield player already played against the Granada in the second part and left very good feelings. It stole the balloon that finish in the goal of Leo Messi and showed very active at all times. The fans is ilusionada and has win to see how evolves with the greater.
Also they are very attentive to the mediocampista out of Spain some ex Barcelona that follow the day in day out of his ex team. It is the case of Cesc Fàbregas, that spoke with RAC1 on the canterano and elogió his qualities and his potential. "I am safe that Riqui has conditions to be a 'crack', only has to have the attitude and the suitable growth", began saying.
The current player of the Monaco even compared to the Catalan with Andrés Iniesta, one of the greater legends of the history of the group barcelonista. "Riqui Can become like Iniesta, for putting an example, if the trainers trust he. I know that compare it with Andrés are greater words, but a player like this, in the market, can cost a millonada", aimed, referring to the luck that have the culés for being able to have he free.
The one of Arenys of Sea thinks that to the hour to put to play to a footballer does not be necessary to look his DNI and quoted to Arséne Wenger like example, since it did this with him in the Arsenal. "As it said Wenger, the age does not matter: all have been youngsters and commit errors, but the important is that it trust he", recognised. Setién, for the moment, seems that it will trust he and that it could finish being key for the development of his career.
Besides, Cesc announced that it could turn into trainer when it leave the football and left the open door to train to the Barça in the future. "It will like me do it when it finish my career. I will not give him a lot of turns, although still they remain me years like player. Why not directing to the Barça? It is my house, am blaugrana and think that is an ideal place to form and to begin", signalled.
It thought on the "no" of Xavi to the Barça
Finally, the midfield player of the monegasque group gave his point of view on the "no" of Xavi Hernández to seat in the bench of the Barcelona this campaign. "Thinking fríamente, perhaps saw that it was not the moment", argued. Fàbregas, nevertheless, does not doubt that the one of Terrassa will finish heading to the culés in the future. "Sooner that late, Xavi will train to the Barça", finalised.