Coutinho, the great beneficiary of playing without people if he returns to Barça
Published:14/05/2020 - 22:11h
Updated:15/05/2020 - 00:46h
Coutinho could be the great beneficiary in the event that football is played without an audience until 2021, which is what it seems will happen. The Brazilian does not have the affection of the stands and if he returns he could show his football without the usual pressure
Philippe Coutinho had it everything to triumph in the FC Barcelona, but almost two years and half after his arrival to the group barcelonista is in the antipodes to be able to do this. The Brazilian completed a big half of campaign when it landed in the Camp Nou and in his first 22 parties marked 10 goals and delivered six assistances. The fans was loved and expected that in his second season gave the jump of definite quality, something that never arrived to suceder.
The second year of the mediapunta in Can Barça was marked by the disillusionment, the criticisms and the impatience of some fans that finish tired of the poor performance of a footballer that cost 120 'kilos'. The climax of that anger arrived in 3-0 of the Barcelona to the Liverpool in the gone of the 'semis' of Champions in 2019. The ex of the Liverpool marked and fed up of the criticisms carried the hands to the hearings challenging to the public, that from this moment him pitó the rest of the meeting.
The one of Rio de Janeiro did not recover of this crash neither of this bronca generalised of the Camp Nou and this same summer finish in the Bayern of Munich. The idea of the Barcelona was to give off of him and looked for a traspaso suitable for this, but to the not to find it backed and finish commanding him yielded to the Bavarian group. But in the Bundesliga neither has shined too much the international 'canarinho' and therefore the Bayern will not exert the option of purchase of 120 millions that saved .
The Barcelona aim keeps on being to sell to the Brazilian, but seems complicated that they arrive offers of 100 millions, that is what wants to take out with his sale. Precisely by this reason, every time earns more strength the fact that it have to remain in the staff. Quique Setién has opened him the door and would be loved to have him under his orders. Besides, the sequelas of the coronavirus in the football could be just what needs the offensive midfield player to triumph in the Barça.
The performance of Coutinho does a year was not being much more toneless that the one of Ousmane Dembélé, that besides cost a similar quantity. But unfortunately for him, the French never received so many criticisms neither was so discussed, in spite of his injuries and of his irregularity. This pressure added and the complaints of his own fans finish turning him into a shadow of what went in Anfield. The mediapunta went to rack and ruin and did not know to react neither give him the turn to the situation.
Play without public could benefit to Coutinho
Return knowing that his own people does not want to him is a pressure added that the COVID-19 could remove him of on. It says that until 2021 the football will be to enclosed door, by what the turn of the of River would be much calmer and beneficial for him. What for many is a plus, perhaps for him went a problem that now does not go to have. Without whistles, without fear to fail by the what will say and without at all that him desconcentre, perhaps can see at last the best version of Cou.
His continuity still is not closed and the culés go to try plant him in any club that ask after he, but if at the end it remained , could be his moment. The Barça walks needed of signings and depth of bench and the now '10' of the Bayern would contribute a lot of things. If Setién attained to understand his football and he removed all the pressure that accumulates from his signing, the barcelonistas could begin to see to the Coutinho that marvelled to the Premier League.